
Quickly start creating new webapps with Pyodide

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Note: This repository is now superseded by flare.

This is a stub for creating a new Python-based webapp with Pyodide and the viur-html5 library.


Clone the repository including its submodule (html5) into a directory of your choice.


To immediately test your app, run ./test-server.py and open http://localhost:8080.

When Python modules are added, run ./gen-files-json.py to build the Python files mapping that is used by the app boostrapper.

In case you want to add additional modules, you have to hack the file app.js.

Using stand-alone Pyodide

By default, apps based on this stub use the Pyodide version from the CDN hostet at pyodide-cdn2.iodide.io. Anyway, you can host your own Pyodide. For this, you can either download a Pyodide binary build from here, or you once run the service script ./get-pyodide.py to automatically download and install Pyodide from the official release tarball and setup a minimal version with only setuptools and micropip as packages.

Once this is done, flip the comment lines in app.html to use the locally served version.


The repository contains these files.

  • app.html contains the basic HTML structure into which the app is rendered. Switch the Pyodide version you want to use (local or CDN) here.
  • app.js contains the app bootstrapper which downloads and installs Python files for the Pyodide environment from Python source files. See comments there for details.
  • app.py contains a little demo app code. Here you have to put your Python code!
  • files.json is generated by gen-files-json.py.
  • gen-files-json.py is a tool that generates files.json and omits tooling scripts. If you add more Python modules and import them in __init__.py or app.py, run this script to update your files.json.
  • get-pyodide.py downloads and installs a stand-alone Pyodide package into the ./pyodide folder to be locally served (see above).
  • html5 is the viur-html5 library as a submodule. It is also added to files.json and required to implement Python webapps nicely.
  • __init__.py is the general app entry point.
  • test-server.py is an http.server-based simple web-server for fast localhost serving (see above).

All files can be modified to fit the needs and purposes of your app.

Real world apps

This app stub is only a minimal example. The currently most prominent real world example for an app written using this technique is our viur-vi administration tool. We used it also for several closed-source projects for our customers.

Tips & Tweaks

Google App Engine

To serve your Pyodide-app via Google App Engine, add the following lines to your app.yaml file and modify them when needed.

- url: /app/s/pyodide/(.*\.wasm)$
  static_files: app/pyodide/\1
  upload: app/pyodide/.*\.wasm$
  mime_type: application/wasm
- url: /app/s
  static_dir: app

Apache Webserver

For apache web-server, this .htaccess configuration helped to serve the app.

RewriteEngine off
Options -ExecCGI +Indexes 
IndexOrderDefault Descending Date

#Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
#Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods GET

<FilesMatch "\.py$">
	Options +Indexes -ExecCGI -Multiviews
	Order allow,deny
	Allow from all
	RemoveHandler .py
	AddType text/plain .py

<FilesMatch "\.data$">
	Options +Indexes -ExecCGI -Multiviews
	Order allow,deny
	Allow from all
	RemoveHandler .data
	AddType application/octet-stream .data

<FilesMatch "\.wasm$">
	Options +Indexes -ExecCGI -Multiviews
	Order allow,deny
	Allow from all
	RemoveHandler .wasm
	AddType application/wasm .wasm