A Parsec Integration With RetroPie Script

The Logo

Please read ALL of the information here

This is a script for integrating Parsec with RetroPie.
Works ONLY on Raspberry Pi. At the moment the script only supports the Carbon and Pixel Themes

Please Backup your system before running this script


First find out your server id by clicking on the Manage button under the wanted server name in the Host's Parsec app.

image 1

Then look at the top right corner in the prompt that pops up, and write down the number.

image 2

There are 2 methods to install this:

1st method (Experimental, use 2nd method if this one doesn't work):

Run the following commands in the terminal:

wget -O curlsetup.sh https://tinyurl.com/curlsetupforretropie && source curlsetup.sh
  1. Follow the instructions on screen and when prompted enter your server id.
  2. After the script finishes it's work run the following command: sudo parsec
  3. Login with your parsec account and make sure to select "Remember Me".
  4. Now you can run Parsec via RetroPie! Have fun gaming!

2nd method:

Run the following commands in the terminal:

  1. sudo apt install git
  2. git clone https://github.com/Kozova1/Parsec-Integration-With-RetroPie.git
  3. cd Parsec-Integration-With-RetroPie
  4. sudo bash setup.sh -nodrv

Follow the instructions on screen and when prompted enter your server id.
After the script finishes it's work run the following command: sudo parsec
Login with your parsec account and make sure to select "Remember Me".
Now you can run Parsec via RetroPie! Have fun gaming!


I am not responsible for any loss of data, hardware etc. You take full responsibility.


  1. Press CTRL + ALT + F2
  2. run this command: sudo parsec
  3. login with your parsec account and select REMEMBER ME.
  4. restart the raspberry pi and it should work now.
    (Bonus): Figure out how to use my parsec theme yourself.

Contact me if you have any concerns / problems /Issues

Discord: Kozova1 #1926


CBNathanael for helping me figure out some parts of the script
Pixel theme for EmulationStation
Carbon theme for EmulationStation
RetroPie Project
DSandler for fixing the multiple entry bug
SH icon in logo Designed by Freepik from www.flaticon.com