This is a collection of projects used to power the super fun game called hackers revenge. You need both of these to run and you'll need to piece the apps together but there are enough breadcrumbs to make this happen.


Working to make this easier.


  1. Run make initialize to copy default sample configuration
  2. Run make server to build the server docker container
  3. Run make ui to build the frontend nginx docker container
  4. Run make build to do initial migration for server
  5. Run docker compose up to run the server, ui, and sidekiq
  6. Run chown $USER:$USER hackers-revenge-server/db/development.sqlite3
  7. Go to localhost:8080/mx/token and click the generate token (username: beta, password: yolo) <--- these are set in the hackers-revenge-ui/auth.conf
  8. Connect to the hackers-revenge-server/db/development.sqlite3 database using dbeaver or cli
  9. Run SELECT * FROM players; to see the id of the token/player you generated
  10. RUN UPDATE players set email = 'whatever@domain.gom' where token = '{token}'; // email is a required field (for now)
  11. Go to localhost:8080/mxmax to the instructions page
  12. Input your token, create/submit your program.
  13. Go to localhost:8080/mx/replay to see random battles of programs