
LSTM text generation by word. Used to generate lyrics from a corpus of a music genre.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


LSTM text generation by word. Used to generate lyrics from a corpus of a music genre.


And the update: working with word embeddings


How to install

The first thing is to clone this same repo and cd to it:

git clone https://github.com/enriqueav/lstm_lyrics.git
cd lstm_lyrics

If you want to test an experimental branch:

git clone https://github.com/enriqueav/lstm_lyrics.git -b <experimental_branch>

Install dependencies

If necessary, install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

Then create an environment and install the dependencies

virtualenv env --python=python3.6
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

To start the training:

To train the one-hot encoded version:

python3 lstm_train.py corpora/corpus_banda.txt examples.txt

or the version using Word Embedding (words to vectors):

python3 lstm_train_embedding.py corpora/corpus_reggeaton.txt examples_reggeaton.txt

Text classifier

The objective is to create a neural network to classify real text taken from a corpus vs randomly generated text. The idea is to increase the quality of the generated lyrics pre-filtering the lines that look a lot like randomly chosen words.

To create the training set

python3 utils/generate_classifier_set.py corpora/corpus_banda.txt banda_subset.txt random_banda.txt

How to contribute

Be sure to check that your changes did not include any flake8 error:

$ flake8