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Gatsby + Agility CMS

This repo is released under the MIT license. code style: prettier

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Want to learn about Agility CMS + Gatsby? and why its a match made in heaven?

This repo is a great starting point to get a Gatsby project up and running quickly with Agility CMS as the Content Management System.

This site uses the Agility CMS Gatsby Source Plugin and it is meant to be used with the Blog Template in Agility CMS.

Our source plugin with Gatsby will only refresh content that has changed since your last build, so you can rest easy your builds will be fast, regardless of how many pages you have.

Preview Site (Gatsby Cloud): https://agility-gatsby-starter-5854363761.gtsb.io/

Production Site (Netlify): https://agility-gatsby-starter-gatsbycloud.netlify.com/


Learn how to get started with Gatsby and Agility CMS

Table of contents

Getting up and running

Pre-requisite: Install the Gatsby CLI

npm install -g gatsby-cli

Additional information for getting started with Gatsby

Pre-requisite: Get a free Agility CMS account

Sign up for a free account using the Blog Template.

On step 2, give your project a name and ensure you select Blog Template as your template.

Retreive your Agility CMS API Credentials

After going through the sign up process and you are logged in to Agility CMS, on the Getting Started Page click the API Keys button to retrieve youre credentials.

Content Fetch API Details

Then, click the Show API Key(s) button to view your Live and Preview keys.

Content Fetch API Details

Take note of your GUID and your Live API Key and Preview API Key. Click the Show buttons beside both to unmask the credentials and copy these somewhere temporarily, or refer back to this screen when you begin to Configure your local environment.

Clone this repo to your local machine

git clone https://github.com/agility/agility-gatsby-starter

Install Node dependencies

With NPM

cd agility-gatsby-starter
npm install

Configure your local environment

Rename ./.env.development.example to ./.env.development

cp .env.development.example .env.development

Add your development AGILITY_GUID and AGILITY_API_KEY variable values in .env.development

# Your Instance Id

# Your Preview API Key (recommended) - you can get this from the Getting Started Page in Agility CMS. It starts with defaultpreview.

# If using your Preview API Key, set this to true

Rename ./.env.production.example to ./.env.production

cp .env.production.example .env.production

Add your production AGILITY_GUID and AGILITY_API_KEY variable values in .env.production

# Your Instance Id

# Your Live API Key (recommended) - you can get this from the Getting Started Page in Agility CMS. It starts with defaultlive.

# Since you won't want to preview here, set this to false

Start the Gatsby development server

Once the above steps are done, you can launch your local development server:

With NPM

npm start

How to build a production version of your project and test it

It's good practice to build a production version and test it locally before publishing it or doing a pull request into master. Here's how to do it:

With NPM

npm run build
npm run serve


Deploy with Vercel

☝️ Deploy this starter repo in just minutes with Vercel. It will prompt you to enter your AGILITY_GUID, AGILITY_API_KEY, and AGILITY_API_ISPREVIEW.

Deploy to Netlify

☝️ Deploy this starter repo in just minutes with Netlify. You'll need to add your Agility CMS AGILITY_GUID, AGILITY_API_KEY, and AGILITY_API_ISPREVIEW variables in Netlify's Site settings > Build & deploy > Environment section.


You'll want to take a peek under the hood at some point and take the starter's configuration for Gatsby further. To get a better understanding of the options, please visit GatsbyJS Source Plugin for Agility CMS on GitHub for documentation.

What is Agility CMS? What makes it different?

Agility CMS is a headless Content Management System (CMS) that lets you define your custom content types, relationships and pages. This is called Content Architecture, and you can reuse this content for your websites and apps.

Agility believes that a successful website balances the User Experience (UX), Editor Experience (EX), and Developer Experience (DX).

While Gatsby tends to handle UX and DX quite well, too often editors are an after-thought in Gatsby (and other JAMstack) websites. They feel constrained by not being able to manage their sitemap and what content is on which pages.

Agility aims to empower and improve the Editor Experience by providing built-in Page Management. This means developers can build UI Components and leave editors to compose their pages.

Learn more about Agility CMS and Gatsby


Agility CMS





See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

Code of conduct

See CODE OF CONDUCT for more information.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Thank you to all of you who have contributed to agility-gatsby-starter!



Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.