
Kubernetes managed Kong cluster

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Kong can easily be provisioned to Kubernetes cluster using the following steps:

  1. Initial setup

    Download or clone the following repo:

    $ git clone git@github.com:Kong/kong-dist-kubernetes.git
    $ cd kong-dist-kubernetes

    If you want to run Kubernetes locally, please follow the README and use the manifest files provided in minikube directory.

    Skip to step 3 if you have already provisioned a cluster and registered it with Kubernetes.

    Note: Included manifest files only support Kong v0.11.x, for 0.10.x please checkout the tag 1.0.0

  2. Deploy a GKE cluster

    You need gcloud and kubectl command-line tools installed and configured to run deployment commands. Also make sure your Google Cloud account has STATIC_ADDRESSES available for the external access of Kong services.

    Using the cluster.yaml file from this repo, deploy a GKE cluster. Provide the following information before deploying:

    1. Desired cluster name
    2. Zone in which to run the cluster
    3. A basicauth username and password for authenticating the access to the cluster
    $ gcloud deployment-manager deployments \
        create cluster --config cluster.yaml

    Fetch credentials for above created cluster

    $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials NAME [--zone=ZONE, -z ZONE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG …]

    By now, you have provisioned a Kubernetes managed cluster.

  3. Deploy a Kong supported database

    Before deploying Kong, you need to provision a Cassandra or PostgreSQL pod.

    For Cassandra, use the cassandra.yaml file from this repo to deploy a Cassandra Service and a StatefulSet in the cluster:

    $ kubectl create -f cassandra.yaml

    Note: Please update the cassandra.yaml file for the cloud you are working with.

    For PostgreSQL, use the postgres.yaml file from the kong-dist-kubernetes repo to deploy a PostgreSQL Service and a ReplicationController in the cluster:

    $ kubectl create -f postgres.yaml
  4. Prepare database

    Using the kong_migration_<postgres|cassandra>.yaml file from this repo, run the migration job, jump to step 5 if Kong backing databse is up–to–date:

    $ kubectl create -f kong_migration_<postgres|cassandra>.yaml

    Once job completes, you can remove the pod by running following command:

    $ kubectl delete -f kong_migration_<postgres|cassandra>.yaml
  5. Deploy Kong

    Using the kong_<postgres|cassandra>.yaml file from this repo, deploy Kong admin and proxy services and a Deployment controller to the cluster:

    $ kubectl create -f kong_<postgres|cassandra>.yaml
  6. Verify your deployments

    You can now see the resources that have been deployed using kubectl:

    $ kubectl get all

    Once the EXTERNAL_IP is available for Kong Proxy and Admin services, you can test Kong by making the following requests:

    $ curl <kong-admin-ip-address>:8001
    $ curl https://<admin-ssl-ip-address>:8444
    $ curl <kong-proxy-ip-address>:8000
    $ curl https://<kong-proxy-ssl-ip-address>:8443
  7. Using Kong

    Quickly learn how to use Kong with the 5-minute Quickstart.


If you want to manage Kong installation through Helm Charts, please follow the README.

Important Note

When deploying into a Kubernetes cluster with Deployment Manager, it is important to be aware that deleting ReplicationController Kubernetes objects does not delete its underlying pods, and it is your responisibility to manage the destruction of these resources when deleting or updating a ReplicationController in your configuration.

Enterprise Support

Support, Demo, Training, API Certifications and Consulting available at http://getkong.org/enterprise.