
Course management system and holding four-choice tests with display of test results.

Primary LanguagePython

How to install and run (GNU/Linux and Mac)

  1. Install git,python3, pip3, virtualenv in your operating system
  2. Create a development environment ready by using these commands
git clone https://github.com/mavenium/examination_system		# clone the project
cd examination_system		                                        # go to the project DIR
virtualenv -p python3 .venv		                                # Create virtualenv named .venv
source .venv/bin/activate		                                # Active virtualenv named .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt		                                # Install project requirements in .venv
python manage.py makemigrations		                                # Create migrations files
python manage.py migrate		                                # Create database tables
python manage.py collectstatic		                                # Create statics files
python manage.py runserver		                                # Run the project