started from Alex's code on google code
I implemented cccp (cascadable cross channel parameteric) pooling in this code. The NIN structure is in my paper: Network In Network submitted on ICLR2014.
To compile this code, cuda-5.0 or cuda-5.5 is required. The other dependencies are listed here. Setup the paths in the script under Kernel and PluginSrc. Run ./ under the main directory. A dist directory will be created with all python codes and built shared libraries inside. change directory into dist, and add current path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH by
All the experiments are run in the dist directory.
The datasets are preprocessed according to maxout networks using the python code in pylearn. How to preprocess the data is detailed here. However, things are complicated because cuda-convnet has a different data format than pylearn, the way to dump cuda-convnet usable data is here.
The preprocessed CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and MNIST datasets are available on my google drive (just follow the link), but SVHN will not as it is around 20G after preprocessing.
Here is an example code to convert the pylearn preprocessed train.pkl and test.pkl to cuda-convnet data_batch_x files for CIFAR-10 data.
import cPickle
import numpy
for i in range(5):
sub = train.__dict__['X'][i*10000:i*10000+10000,:]
data=cPickle.load(open('../cifar-10-batches-py/data_batch_%d' % (i+1), 'r'))
data['data']=numpy.require(sub.T, numpy.float32, 'C')
cPickle.dump(data, open('data_batch_%d' % (i+1), 'w'))
sub = test.__dict__['X']
data=cPickle.load(open('../cifar-10-batches-py/data_batch_6', 'r'))
data['data']=numpy.require(sub.T, numpy.float32, 'C')
cPickle.dump(data, open('data_batch_6', 'w'))
run the following under dist.
python --data-path /path/to/cifar-10/pickled/data --data-provider cifar --layer-def ../NIN/cifar-10_def --layer-params ../NIN/cifar_10-params --train-range 1-5 --test-range 6 --save-path /path/to/save/the/model/ --test-freq 20 --epochs 200
This trains the model defined in NIN/cifar-10_def using the the parameter in NIN/cifar-10_params for 200 epochs. After 200 epochs, the test error is around 14% After this, edit the NIN/cifar-10_params file by changing all the epsW to one tenth of the original value. and run:
python -f /path/where/model/was/saved/ --epochs 230
This will run the model with the adjusted parameters for another 30 epochs, which results in error rate near 10.7%
Then change the epsW to one tenth again and run:
python -f /path/where/model/was/saved/ --epochs 260
Then the error rate will be 10.4%
CIFAR-100 is similar to CIFAR-10 but just replace some parameters in the script.
python --data-path /path/to/cifar-100/pickled/data --data-provider cifar --layer-def ../NIN/cifar-100_def --layer-params ../NIN/cifar_100-params --train-range 1-5 --test-range 6 --save-path /path/to/save/the/model/ --test-freq 20 --epochs 200
The rest is the same with CIFAR-10
Coming soon.
Coming soon.