
Codebase for MeLi 2021 data challenge

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the codebase for my solution to the MeLi data challenge 2021.


The final model consists of two stacked models: the level-1 model is a single LightGBM trained to forecast the sold quantity, and level-2 model is a neural network that takes level-1 output as input (plus other features) and learns to minimize the RPS.

Model description

The model consist of a 2-level stacking model. The first model is trained to predict the sold_quantity value.

Details of level 1 model:

Details of level 2 model:

The level 2 model has a head of size 30, where the value at position i represents the probability of stock-out at day i+1.

def rps_loss(preds, targets):
    return torch.mean(torch.sum((targets - preds)**2, dim=1))

Optiming only the loss above gives very noisy probility estimates. For that reason I included a term to penalize high variations between neighbor probabilities:

def discont_loss(probs):
    return torch.mean(torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.diff(probs, dim=1)**2, dim=1)))

The final loss is rps_loss(preds, targets) + alpha * discont_loss(preds) with alpha=5 (barely tuned).

Stacking description

Yolanda-Overview (1)

Submission generation

All the codes for data preparation and modeling are in the notebooks/ directory, however, only a subset of these notebooks are used to generate the final submission. Below is the list of the utilized notebooks as well as the order of execution:

Data preparation:

  • Download and place the competition data in the data/ directory.
  • Run notebooks/preproc-m1.ipynb -> prepares data for level-1 model.
  • Run notebooks/eda.ipynb -> performs EDA, computes unpredictable.csv (skus with not enough information) and computes scales.csv (scale values for RMSSE).
  • Run notebooks/preproc_assessment.ipynb -> computes skus_assess_m1.yaml (skus for assessment of level-1 model), the synthetic validation sets (validation_seed*.csv & validation_seed*\_harder.csv) and validation_m3.csv (the targets for the level-2 model).


  • Run notebooks/encoders.ipynb -> trains the categorical encoders (GLMM) for stage1 and stage2 of level-1 model.
  • Run notebooks/train_lgbm-m1-sm.ipynb -> train a LightGBM model for predicting the sold quantity at sku level. The stage1 is for generating the oof predictions, while stage2 is for generating the final predictions.
    • output-1: results/oof_preds_lgbm-m1.csv the oof predictions (for the period of 2021-03-02 to 2021-03-31).
    • output-2: results/preds_m1_lgbm_sub{SUB_NBR}.csv the predictions for the test period.
  • Run notebooks/train_1dcnn-m3.ipynb -> take the oof predictions of level1 model and train a 1dcnn stacking model that learns to minimze the RPS. Then applies the trained model over the level-1 predictions on the test period.