
Ghost GCS Storage Adapter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ghost GCS Storage Adapter

Google Cloud Storage adapter for ghost cms platform


  • Easy to use
  • Bucket configuration
  • Custom protocol and host settings for cdn use
  • Custom gcs storage options support
  • Hashing algorithm configuration
  • Asset path prefixes
  • Support for generating unique file names on duplicates
  • Custom file name templating


I wanted to deploy ghost in a HA environment using gcs as a storage backend, but the current options were out of date or didn't support custom hostnames and/or hashing. This library lets you store ghost assets to gcs with many options for using path prefixes, custom domains, content hashing, and file name templating.



name type description
bucket string GCS bucket name. Default is undefined
protocol string What protocol to use for absolute urls. Default is https
host string What host to use for absolute urls. You can read about accessing public buckets here. Default is storage.googleapis.com
storageOptions object Custom storage options for configuring the GCS client. Default is undefined
hash boolean Wether or not to generate a hash from file contents. Default is false
hashAlgorithm string Which hashing algorithm to use when generating hashes. Default is md5
hashLength number Length of hash to use in hash string output. This slice is taken from the end of the string. Setting 0 will use the full hash. Default is 16
prefix string Prefix to use for gcs bucket path. If set, the gcs file path will become: $prefix/$dir/$filename. Default is undefined
unique boolean Wether or not to create unique filenames for duplicate uploads. Default is true
template string Template string for file names. If hash enabled default is: {{hashstr}}{{ext}}, otherwise: {{basename}}{{ext}}
incremental boolean If true and unique is enabled it will use the ghost default incremental algorithm for file names, appending an integer to the basename. This can be really slow because it has to check if the filepath exists in the bucket for each iteration. If false and unique is enabled it will just append random bytes to either the hash or the basename. Default is false


There are currently 3 places where ghost will look for storage adapters by default:

/var/lib/ghost/content/adapters/storage -- content path setting

This means you need to install the plugin and it's dependencies at one of those locations. If you are using a Dockerfile, you can do so like this:

RUN mkdir -p /tmp/gcs ${GHOST_CONTENT}/adapters/storage/gcs && \
    wget -O - "$(npm view @danmasta/ghost-gcs-adapter dist.tarball)" | tar xz -C /tmp/gcs && \
    npm install --prefix /tmp/gcs/package --silent --only=production --no-optional --no-progress && \
    mv /tmp/gcs/package/* ${GHOST_CONTENT}/adapters/storage/gcs

Keep in mind that the default ghost docker image creates a volume at your ghost content path. This means any changes after the VOLUME declaration will be discarded, and you can't add new files to the content dir. You will need to install to another path, or move the files during a run time script after volume mounting.


JSON via ghost config

    "storage": {
        "active": "gcs",
        "gcs": {
            "bucket": "my-gcs-bucket",
            "host": "storage.googleapis.com",
            "protocol": "https",
            "hash": true,
            "hashAlgorithm": "sha512",
            "hashLength": "16"

ENV Variables



The easiest way to authenticate is to use a service account key and set the application default credentials environment variable:


You can also pass in a custom credential key file path or credentials object via the storageOptions setting, see here:

    "storage": {
        "active": "gcs",
        "gcs": {
            "storageOptions": { ... }


Testing is currently run using mocha and chai. To execute tests just run npm run test. To generate unit test coverage reports just run npm run coverage


If you have any questions feel free to get in touch