
Capstone project for Udacity Dev-Ops Nanodegree: develop a CI/CD pipeline for micro services applications with either blue/green deployment or rolling deployment.

CI CD Pipeline

The CI CD pipeline is as follows for this project. For initial set up:

  • Set up jenkins
  • Install dependencies for local development
  • Create AWS infrastructure

For application development:

  • Make development change
  • Commit to git
  • Update AWS stack using ./ commands listed below if required
  • Push to repository
  • Jenkins build automatically runs based on triggers
    • Files are linted
    • Docker image build and uploaded to ECR
    • ECS tasks updated to run new Docker image using rolling deployment

Running the stuff

There is a Makefile that contains lots of useful commands. Running make will list them, like the below output.

help:           Show this help.
setup:          Create the virtial environment to run this project
env:            List the environment versions
lint:           Check the validity of the project files
test:           Run the tests for this prject
install:        Install the required imports for this project
docker-build:   Build the docker image and list available docker images
docker-upload:  Upload the docker image to AWS
start-api:      Run the python application locally

Creating the infrastructure

From the base of this repository run the following to create or update the deployment.

aws configure # set to credentials with appropriate access
cd scripts; ./ network ../cloudformation/01-network.yml ../cloudformation/01-network-parameters.json; cd ..
# Wait for the network stack to be complete
cd scripts; ./ cluster ../cloudformation/02-cluster.yml ../cloudformation/02-cluster-parameters.json; cd ..

Jenkins set up

Full jenkins set up details can be found in


From running the above the following will be created.

The application is currently running here is a link to the load balancer.

AWS Stacks:

CloudFormation stacks CloudFormation network stack outputs CloudFormation cluster stack info CloudFormation cluster stack outputs

Jenkins build when the lint fails: Jenkins lint failing

Jenkins build when the lint passes and deploys to ECR: Jenkins lint passing and deploying to AWS

ECR with new image uploaded: ECR docker image uploaded

Hello world application running: Application running in AWS