
A pelican theme with a sidebar.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Niu-X2-Sidebar is a responsive theme for pelican, built with bootstrap3.

As I am pretty new to bootstrap and jinja2, the codes look messy and may be buggy. If you find any bugs, please let me know.


BSD 3-Clause License. Please see LICENSE.txt for more details.


Demo image of niu-x2 theme

You can check my old blog archive for a live demo.


  • Responsive.
  • Disqus, duoshuo, google analytics and google custom search support.
  • Pagination bar with customizable length.
  • Tagcloud implemented with tagcloud.js which supports incremental search.
  • Collapsible monthly archives.
  • Auto-generated copyright year range, which is actually from the year of your first article to the lastest.
  • Fixed position navigation bar.
  • TOC(table of contents) in sidebar with the help of extract_headings plugin, with no addtional dependencies and no [TOC] in your markdown file.
  • Article/Page comment on/off controled by file metadata.
  • Pygments theme support.
  • Categories shown in a dropdown list.
  • Category aliases, which should be useful when you set USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY to True.
  • Custom dropdown menu, footer links and footer icons through pelican configuration with custom icons.
  • Translations through pelican configuration.
  • Lazy load images with the jquery.lazy.load plugin. (You have to manually set NIUX2_LAZY_LOAD as True)
  • A toolbar.
  • Support for hermit audio player.


If you are hosting your pelican site locally, please remeber to set the SITEURL variable empty in your pelican configuration, otherwise the theme will not be able to find the css and js static files correctly.

For more theme related configurations, please refer to Theme settings section below.

First clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/mawenbao/niu-x2-sidebar

Then set THEME variable to the path of the repository folder you have just cloned in your pelican configuration.

THEME = ~/repo/niu-x2-sidebar

The theme depends on the jinja2 expression statement extension which should be added to your pelican configuration as below:

JINJA_EXTENSIONS = ['jinja2.ext.ExprStmtExtension',]


  1. Better responsive support.

Global pelican settings

Currently the following pelican configuration variables are supported:

  • DISQUS_SITENAME is your disqus site ID.
  • GOOGLE_ANALYTICS is your Google analytics ID.


Currently this theme supports keywords meta tag and description meta tag. The content of keywords meta tag is set as the value of Tags metadata. And the content of description meta tag is set as the value of Desc metadata.

Theme settings

Note that:

  • All the following theme configuration variables are optional.
  • All the icons are selected from iconmoon(most of them are from font-awesome). You can select your own icons from here and replace the default icons at static/font-icons.

Custom home name


Enable/Disable comments

The theme enables comments for all the articles and pages by default. However you can disable comments for some particular articles or pages by setting Comment metadata to any value other than on, e.g.:

Title: An Article With No Comments
Date: 2013-09-09 21:38:00
Comment: off

TOC style

The following configuration will hide the sidebar TOC.

Title: An Article With No TOC
Date: 2013-09-09 21:38:00
TOC: closed

And the following configuration will make TOC fixed, which is the default behaviour when TOC is not configured:

Title: An Article With fixed TOC
Date: 2013-09-09 21:38:00
TOC: fixed

Any values other than 'closed' and 'fixed' will make TOC's position static.

Debug niu2.js

niu2.js is the main script used in this theme. By default the theme uses the minified version niu2.min.js which can be generated by the given Makefile. If you want to use niu2.js instead of niu2.min.js, just set NIUX2_DEBUG as True in your pelican configuration file.

Archives order by update date

This function requires the pelican-update-date plugin.

You should add the following setting to your pelican configuration.

    "archives_updatedate.html": "archives_updatedate.html",

Article Navigation

Neighbors is needed.
Using *_article_in_category by default.

Lazy load images

This function requires the niux2_lazyload_helper plugin.

Lazy load images(with the class name lazy) in the main content area with the lazyload jquery plugin.

  • NIUX2_LAZY_LOAD, default(False): enable lazy load function.
  • NIUX2_LAZY_LOAD_TEXT, default('Loading'): the hover text upon images when loading.
  • NIUX2_LAZY_LOAD_ICON, default('icon-spin icon-spinner'): class of the icon upon images when loading.

hermit audio player

This function requires the niux2_hermit_player plugin.

Custom 404

  • NIUX2_404_TITLE_TRANSL string(default "ERROR 404 Page Not Found!"), title of the 404 page
  • NIUX2_404_INFO_TRANSL string(default "The requested url was not found!"), warning infomation on the 404 page

You should add the following setting to your pelican configuration.

    "404.html": "404.html",


The toolbar only supports for github/bitbucket project now.

  • NIUX2_TOOLBAR bool(default False), enable/disable toolbar.
  • NIUX2_GITHUB_REPO string(default ''), repository of your github project, for example mawenbao/niu-x2-sidebar.
  • NIUX2_BITBUCKET_REPO string(default ''), repository of your bitbucket project, for example mawenbao/niu-x2-sidebar. Note that this setting will be ignored if NIUX2_GITHUB_REPO has been set.

Pygments theme

First make sure you have enabled the codehilite markdown extension(pelican enables it by default). Then you can pick you favorite theme in the static/css/pygments folder. Currently all the theme css files come from the pygments-css repository. At last you should set the NIUX2_PYGMENTS_THEME variable to the file name of the theme with no .css extension at the end. For example:


If NIUX2_PYGMENTS_THEME is not set, niu-x2-sidebar uses github theme by default.

Google custom search engine

  • NIUX2_GOOGLE_CSE_ID is your your google custom search engine id.
  • NIUX2_SEARCH_TRANSL is the search text displayed in header bar, which is "Search" by default.
  • NIUX2_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_TRANSL is the placeholder of your search box, which is "Press enter to search ..." by default.

The css codes above will set the width of your search box to 200px.


Currently, there is not a search result page in this theme, so I suggest that you display the search results in a Google-hosted page.

Category aliases

NIUX2_CATEGORY_MAP is a dictionary of category aliases, of which each item follows the format original name: (display name, icon class), if you do not want a icon, just leave the icon class empty. e.g.:

    "code": ("代码", "icon-code")
    "note": ("笔记", ""),

Navigation bar

NIUX2_HEADER_SECTIONS is a list of links displayed on the fixed position navigation bar. Each link element is a tuple with the format (link value, link title, link href, icon class) e.g.:

     ("关于", "about", "/about.html", "icon-anchor"),
     ("存档", "archives", "/archives.html", "icon-archive"),
     ("标签", "tags", "/tag/", "icon-tag"),

NIUX2_HEADER_DROPDOWN_SECTIONS is a dictionary of dropdown menu. The key is a tuple with the format (display name, icon class), and the corresponding value is actually a NIUX2_HEADER_SECTIONS list, e.g.:

    ("custom drop down", "icon-archive"): [
        ("关于", "about", "/about.html", "icon-anchor"),
        ("存档", "archives", "/archives.html", "icon-archive"),
    ("custom drop down2", "icon-folder-open"): [
        ("标签", "tags", "/tag/", "icon-tag"),

Apple touch icons

Example configuraton:

# sizes => href
    '': '/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png'
    '76x76': '/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png',
    '120x120': '/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png',
    '152x152': '/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png',
    '': '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed-57x57.png'
    '76x76': '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed-76x76.png',
    '120x120': '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed-120x120.png',
    '152x152': '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed-152x152.png',

    'extra/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png': { 'path': 'apple-touch-icon-76x76.png' },
    'extra/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png': { 'path': 'apple-touch-icon-120x120.png' },
    'extra/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png': { 'path': 'apple-touch-icon-152x152.png' },

And then drop your apple touch icons into the content/extra directory.

Footer icons

NIUX2_FOOTER_ICONS is a list of icon links shown in the footer section. Each element follows the format (icon class, link title, link href), e.g.:

     ("icon-envelope-alt", "my email address", "mailto: wilbur.ma@foxmail.com"),
     ("icon-github-alt", "my github page", "http://github.com/wilbur-ma"),
     ("icon-rss", "subscribe my blog via rss", "http://atime.me/feed.xml"),

Translation settings

  • NIUX2_404_TITLE_TRANSL string(default "ERROR 404 Page Not Found!"), title of the 404 page
  • NIUX2_404_INFO_TRANSL string(default "The requested url was not found!"), warning infomation on the 404 page
  • NIUX2_TAG_TRANSL string(default "Tag"), translation of tag
  • NIUX2_ARCHIVE_TRANSL string(default "Archives"), translation of archives
  • NIUX2_ARCHIVE_UPDATEDATE_TRANSL string(default "Archives(by updatedate)"), translation of archives by update date
  • NIUX2_CATEGORY_TRANSL string(default "Category"), translation of category
  • NIUX2_TAG_CLEAR_TRANSL string(default "clear"), name of clear button on the tags page
  • NIUX2_TAG_FILTER_TRANSL string(default "filter tags"), placeholder of the tag_filter input on the tags page
  • NIUX2_HEADER_TOC_TRANSL string(default "TOC"), name of the categories dropdown menu
  • NIUX2_SEARCH_TRANSL string(default "Search"), name displayed for google cse in the header bar
  • NIUX2_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_TRANSL string(default "Press enter to search ..."), placeholder of the header search box
  • NIUX2_COMMENTS_TRANSL string(default "Comments"), translation of comments
  • NIUX2_PUBLISHED_TRANSL string(default "Published"), translation of publish date
  • NIUX2_LASTMOD_TRANSL string(default "Last modified"), translation of last modified label, need pelican update_date plugin support
  • NIUX2_RECENT_UPDATE_TRANSL string(default "Recent Updated Posts"), translation of recent updated posts
  • NIUX2_HIDE_SIDEBAR_TRANSL string(default "Hide Sidebar")
  • NIUX2_SHOW_SIDEBAR_TRANSL string(default "Show Sidebar")
  • NIUX2_REVISION_HISTORY_TRANSL string(default "Revision History")
  • NIUX2_VIEW_SOURCE_TRANSL string(default "View Source")
  • NIUX2_AUTHOR_TRANSL string(default "Author")

Misc settings

  • NIUX2_BAIDU_TJ string(default ""), baidu tongji id.
  • NIUX2_TOOLBAR_LOAD_ICON string(default "icon-spin icon-4x icon-spinner"), the class of the rotating icon which shows on top the whole page when we hide/show sidebar toc.
  • NIUX2_PAGINATOR_LENGTH int(default 11), the length of your pagination bar
  • NIUX2_FAVICON_URL string(default "/favicon.png"), your favicon url
  • NIUX2_FOOTER_LINKS a NIUX2_HEADER_SECTIONS format list shown right after your copyright info in the footer section
  • NIUX2_DISPLAY_TITLE boolean(default True), whether to display the title of article and page
  • NIUX2_DUOSHUO_SHORTNAME string(default None), your duoshuo shortname. Note that if DISQUS_SITENAME is set, duoshuo will not be loaded.
  • NIUX2_DUOSHUO_THREAD_KEY string(default ""), type of your duoshuo thread key. If you want to use article's slug for its thread key, change it to 'slug' or 'date' for using article's date. Otherwise, it will use part of the article's url as its thread key by default.
  • NIUX2_LIB_THEME string(default SITEURL+'/theme'), url of niu-x2-sidebar theme root
  • NIUX2_LIB_FONT_ICONS string(default SITEURL+'/theme/font-icons'), url of your custom font icons.
  • NIUX2_LIB_FONTAWESOME string(default ''), url of font awesome icons.
  • NIUX2_LIB_BOOTSTRAP string(default SITEURL+'/theme'), url of bootstrap library
  • NIUX2_LIB_JQUERY string(default SITEURL+'/theme/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js'), url of jquery
  • NIUX2_LAZY_LOAD bool(default False), enable lazy loading images.
  • NIUX2_DEBUG bool(default False), if set as True, use niu2.js instead of niu2.min.js
  • NIUX2_AUTHOR_LINK string(default 'SITEURL'), the author link of ariticles
  • NIUX2_RECENT_UPDATE_NUM int(default 10), number of your recent updated posts in the sidebar, require pelican-update-date plugin