Introduction to Heterogeneous BlueField Development

This repo is meant to provide introductory details on developing applications for cross-architecture, BlueField and Host computing nodes.

Heterogeneous Execution

BlueFields currently run Arm architecture. This is in contrast to most traditional cluster computing nodes running on x86. Let's look at a simple example: running hostname on two nodes - 1 BlueField and 1 traditional computing node. A traditional Slurm job executing on homogeneous architectures would be simple. However, multiple architectures introduces additional complexity.

Slurm has capabilities for heterogeneous job execution. To learn more, look here. However, when Slurm jobs are dispatched, the environment variables aren't properly managed for this usecase. Thus, the user must manage it directly. We can do this by configuring some environment variables and our application versions in our .bashrc file. This ensures that the correct executables and variables are set regardless of the set of execution nodes. Since this research group primarily uses the Rogues Gallery and the Thor cluster, we'll look at examples directly applicable to them.

Let's start on the Thor cluster. Here's an example bash snippet to add to your .bashrc to properly configure execution from both node architectures. You may want to adjust certain paths as you see fit, but copying blindly should work.

# Query Architecture
arch=$(uname -i)
# Create unique symlink name

# Unlink existing symlink if it exists
if test -h $FILE; then
      unlink $FILE

# If on a traditional x86 host
if [ "$arch" == 'x86_64' ]; then
       ln -s /global/software/centos-8.x86_64/modules/gcc/8.3.1/hpcx/2.15.0/ $FILE
       export PATH=/global/software/centos-8.x86_64/modules/gcc/8.3.1/hpcx/2.14.0/ucx/bin:$PATH
       export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib64:/global/software/centos-8.x86_64/modules/gcc/8.3.1/hpcx/2.14.0/ucx/lib:/global/software/centos-8.x86_64/modules/gcc/8.3.1/hpcx/2.14.0/ompi/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# Else if on a BlueField node
elif [ "$arch" == 'aarch64' ]; then
      ln -s /global/software/rocky-9.aarch64/modules/gcc/11/hpcx/2.15 $FILE
      export PATH=/global/software/rocky-9.aarch64/modules/gcc/11/hpcx/2.15/ucx/bin:$FILE/ompi/tests/osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.2:$PATH
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib64:/global/software/rocky-9.aarch64/modules/gcc/11/hpcx/2.15/ucx/lib:/global/software/rocky-9.aarch64/modules/gcc/11/hpcx/2.15.0/ompi/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

source $FILE/

From a Thor login node, let's allocate the nodes we want to use, ssh into the BlueField node we just allocated (very important), then run a heterogeneous MPI command. Change the requested nodes and parameters as you see fit, but ensure that one traditional host and one BlueField are allocated.

[user@login02]$ salloc -p thor --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=1 --time=00:05:00 -w thor014,thorbf3a014
[user@thor014]$ ssh thorbf3a014
[user@thorbf3a014]$ mpirun -np 1 -H thor014 hostname : -np 1 -H thorbf3a014 hostname

If everything works, you should get output from the last command similar to the above. This shows that the execution of hostname was run on both hosts. It's simple, but it's something!

Heterogeneous Compilation

Most people want to run more meaningful code than the above, but to do that, we have to compile our own code. To simultaneously run on both architectures, separate compilers, dependencies, and executables must be properly maintained. Depending on your application, this will result in varying difficulty.

It's possible to compile both the host and BlueField programs on x86 nodes, but cross-compiling BlueField code is beyond the scope of this repository. If you need DOCA libraries, NVIDIA's documentation is very helpful, otherwise, a basic cross-compilation setup can be used.

Instead, let's start simpler and compile the host executable on the host, and the BlueField executable on the BlueField. hello-bluefield.cpp is a simple program made to show heterogeneous execution and code divergence based on node type. When running code across traditional compute nodes and BlueFields, it's potentially advantageous to have divergent execution paths - meaning the BlueField and host nodes execute different or varying amounts of work.

Aside: Determining Execution Hardware from Program

From within a C/C++ program, there are a number of ways to determine the current execution environment's hardware (specifically traditional host vs BlueField).

  • Architecture

    • Using uname -i or something similar
    • Not necessarily true
  • Hostname

    • Using hostname
    • Cluster-specific and fragile
  • Environment Variable Set on Launch

    • Cluster and hardware agnostic
    • Pushes burden of appropriate variable setting to user at lunchtime
  • Two Separate Bash Scripts with Explicit Environment Management

    • More explicit control but more cumbersome
  • PCI Device Presence (Preferred Method)

    • Queries BlueField-specific PCI devices using lspci -d <vendor>:<device>
    • BlueField devices contain PCI bridges that hosts connected to BFs don't have
    • Mellanox (now NVIDIA) vendor ID: 15b3
    • BlueField 2 PCI Bridge device ID: 1978
    • BlueField 3 PCI Bridge device ID: 197b

We use the hardware architecture approach for the .bashrc script above because those changes were explicitly for architecture differences that happened to align along the Host/BF boundary. For determining node type from within a program, we'll use the PCI device presence method as it's more robust. Look at hello-bluefield.cpp for implementation details.

First, we allocate two nodes then separately compile both versions of the executable. Finally, we execute the mpirun command from the BlueField node.

[user@login01]$ salloc -p thor --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=1 --time=00:05:00 -w thor008,thorbf3a008
salloc: Granted job allocation 99999
[user@thor008]$ mpicxx hello-bluefield.cpp -o hello-bluefield-host.out
[user@thor008]$ ssh thorbf3a008
[user@thorbf3a008]$ cd <hello-bluefield-folder>
[user@thorbf3a008]$ mpicxx hello-bluefield.cpp -o hello-bluefield-bf.out
[user@thorbf3a008]$ mpirun -np 1 -H thor008 hello-bluefield-host.out : -np 1 -H thorbf3a008 hello-bluefield-bf.out
=== Job: 2 processes ===
[thor008:p0/2::c0] Hello, world. I'm a host node!
[thorbf3a008:p1/2::c0] Hello, world. I'm a BlueField 3 node!

MiniMD Host/BlueField Execution

Further increasing the complexity of our example programs, let's now look at running MiniMD (a scaled-down version of LAMMPS) across BlueFields and Hosts. Since miniMD is OpenMP-enabled, we'll run two threads on each node.

The process of building and executing this is the same as above:

  • Allocate nodes

    [user@login01]$ salloc -p thor --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=2 --time=00:15:00 -w thor014,thorbf3a014
  • Compile separate executables for each architecture

    • Host

      [user@thor014]$ cd <miniMD-folder>/ref
      [user@thor014]$ make clean && rm miniMD_openmpi_host
      rm -r Obj_*
      [user@thor014]$ make openmpi arch=intel
      ... [ignoring output for readability]
      [user@thor014]$ mv miniMD_openmpi miniMD_openmpi_host
    • BlueField

      [user@thor014]$ ssh thorbf3a014
      [user@thorbf3a014]$ cd <miniMD-folder>/ref
      [user@thorbf3a014]$ make clean && rm miniMD_openmpi_bf
      [user@thorbf3a014]$ make openmpi arch=arm AVX=no
      [user@thorbf3a014]$ mv miniMD_openmpi miniMD_openmpi_bf
  • From a BlueField node, run a heterogeneous MPI job

    [user@thorbf3a014]$ mpirun -np 1 -H thor014 miniMD_openmpi_host -t 2 : -np 1 -H thorbf3a014 miniMD_openmpi_bf -t 2
    # Create System:
    # Done ....
    # miniMD-Reference 2.0 (MPI+OpenMP) output ...
    # Run Settings:
            # MPI processes: 2
            # OpenMP threads: 2
    [output truncated for readability]
    # Performance Summary:
    # MPI_proc OMP_threads nsteps natoms t_total t_force t_neigh t_comm t_other performance perf/thread grep_string t_extra
    2 2 100 131072 8.443480 5.010997 0.496549 2.861831 0.074103 1552345.720422 388086.430105 PERF_SUMMARY 0.026152

Your output should mimic the above, but the reported number of MPI processes and OpenMP threads should be the exact same. Again, we've done something simple yet more complex than what we did before.

BlueField and Beyond

For further development, the above process can be followed - but hopefully with more automated processes than shown here. Additionally, the Nvidia DOCA SDK can be harnessed to extract optimum performance from the hardware.