
wood scan dataset

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This repository containts wood scan dataset.

Camera type

Sick Ruler E12xx

cameras config

  • start of capturing by ENABLE signal
  • sync by rotary encoder

directory name format

<tree><class>c_xz_<step>[_<num>] where:

  • tree - wood type
  • class - diameter class
  • xz - type of layout
  • step - rotary encoder step (10 steps ~ 1 mm)
  • num - № off scan session, optional

file names

each scan containts 9 files

scan files have prefix scan_<num>_<side> where num - № of scan in session, side - position of camera

file extentions

  • da2 - containts status map line - status(status == 0 means "no errors")
  • dat - data
  • xml - information about layout(more info in Sick iCon API help)

xz layout

struct Buffer
  uint32_t Mark[NUM_LINES][MARKS_PER_LINE];
  uint8_t Intensity[NUM_LINES][POINTS_PER_LINE];

how to load file

c++17 viewer source

// buffer.hxx

#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include <optional>

namespace Scan

using std::size_t;

struct Mark
    enum Mask
        BOOL_MASK = 1u,
        BYTE_MASK = 0xFFu,
        ENCODER_ENABLE = BOOL_MASK << 30u,
        ENCODER_A = BOOL_MASK << 28u,
        ENCODER_B = BOOL_MASK << 27u,
        OVER_TRIG_SHIFT = 8u,
    enum Index

    uint32_t value() const;
    uint32_t sample() const;
    uint32_t encoder() const;
    uint32_t scanId() const;

    [[nodiscard]] bool encoder_enable() const;
    [[nodiscard]] bool encoder_a_phase() const;
    [[nodiscard]] bool encoder_b_phase() const;
    [[nodiscard]] uint8_t over_trig() const;

    static Mark from_data(const uint32_t* data);

    uint32_t m_value;
    uint32_t m_status;
    uint32_t m_sample_timestamp;
    uint32_t m_encoder_timestamp;
    uint32_t m_scan_id;

struct Buffer
    std::vector<char> data;

    [[nodiscard]] const float * getX(size_t line) const;
    [[nodiscard]] const float * getY(size_t line) const;
    [[nodiscard]] const uint32_t * getMark(size_t line) const;
    [[nodiscard]] const uint8_t * getIntensity(size_t line) const;

    [[nodiscard]] size_t pointsPerLine() const;
    [[nodiscard]] size_t numLines() const;
    [[nodiscard]] bool enable(size_t line) const;

    void swap(Buffer& other);

using Optional = std::optional<Buffer>;

Optional loadBuffer(const std::string& file);

} // namespace Scan

// buffer.cxx
#include "buffer.hxx"

#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <ios>

namespace fs = std::filesystem;

namespace Scan

constexpr auto points_per_line = 1024u;
constexpr auto num_lines = 512u;

constexpr auto points_count = 1024u * 512u;
constexpr auto marks_per_line = 5u;

constexpr auto f_size = points_count * sizeof(float);
constexpr auto m_size = marks_per_line * sizeof(uint32_t);
constexpr auto x_offset = 0u;
constexpr auto y_offset = x_offset + f_size;
constexpr auto m_offset = y_offset + f_size;
constexpr auto i_offset = m_offset + m_size;

static_assert(x_offset == 0u);
static_assert(y_offset == (points_count * sizeof(float)));

[[nodiscard]] const void* getDataAt(const Buffer* buffer, size_t offset)
    return buffer->data.data() + offset;

template <typename Type>
const Type* getPointer(const Buffer * buffer, size_t offset, size_t line, size_t perLine)
    auto raw_ptr = getDataAt(buffer, offset);
    auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(raw_ptr);
    return ptr + line * perLine;

template <typename Type>
const Type* getPointer(const Buffer * buffer, size_t offset, size_t line)
    return getPointer<Type>(buffer, offset, line, buffer->pointsPerLine());

const float *Buffer::getX(size_t line) const
    return getPointer<float>(this, x_offset, line);

const float *Buffer::getY(size_t line) const
    return getPointer<float>(this, y_offset, line);

const uint32_t *Buffer::getMark(size_t line) const
    return getPointer<uint32_t>(this, m_offset, line, marks_per_line);

const uint8_t *Buffer::getIntensity(size_t line) const
    return getPointer<uint8_t>(this, i_offset, line);

size_t Buffer::pointsPerLine() const
    return points_per_line;

size_t Buffer::numLines() const
    return num_lines;

void Buffer::swap(Buffer & other)
    std::swap(data, other.data);

bool Buffer::enable(size_t line) const
    auto m = getMark(line);
    auto mark = Mark::from_data(m);

    return mark.encoder_enable();

Optional loadBuffer(const std::string &file)
    if (const fs::path file_path{file}; fs::exists(file_path))
        Buffer temp;
        auto file_size = fs::file_size(file_path);
            std::ifstream data;
            data.open(file_path, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
            if (data.is_open())
                 if (data.read(temp.data.data(), file_size))
                     return temp;
    return {};

bool Mark::encoder_enable() const
    return 0 != (m_status & ENCODER_ENABLE);

bool Mark::encoder_a_phase() const
    return 0 != (m_status & ENCODER_A);

bool Mark::encoder_b_phase() const
    return 0 != (m_status & ENCODER_B);

uint8_t Mark::over_trig() const
    return (m_status & OVER_TRIG_MASK) >> OVER_TRIG_SHIFT;

Mark Mark::from_data(const uint32_t *data)
    Mark m{};
    m.m_value = data[VALUE];
    m.m_status = data[STATUS];
    m.m_sample_timestamp = data[SAMPLE];
    m.m_encoder_timestamp = data[ENCODER];
    m.m_scan_id = data[SCAN_ID];
    return m;

uint32_t Mark::value() const
    return m_value;

uint32_t Mark::sample() const
    return m_sample_timestamp;

uint32_t Mark::encoder() const
    return m_encoder_timestamp;

uint32_t Mark::scanId() const
    return m_scan_id;
} // namespace Scan

python3 + numpy

# num of scan lines per file
# num of points per line
# total points per file


### define types

# point coords [X, R] относительно камеры(чем меньше R тем дальше от камеры)
# Camera position in coord system (Xcam, Ycam) = (1000.0, 2054.0)
coord_t  = np.dtype((np.float32, SCAN_SHAPE))
# line status
mask_t   = np.dtype((np.int32, MASK_SHAPE))
# intensity
intens_t = np.dtype((np.uint8, SCAN_SHAPE))

# struct data_t
# {
#   float32 X[NUM_SCANS][DOTS_PER_SCAN];
#   float32 Y[NUM_SCANS][DOTS_PER_SCAN];
#   int32_t mask[NUM_SCANS][5]; // line scan status, encoder position and sensors state
#   uint8_t intens[NUM_SCANS][DOTS_PER_SCAN];
# };
data_t = np.dtype([
    ('X', coord_t),
    ('Y', coord_t),
    ('mask', mask_t),
    ('Intensity', intens_t)

def load_scan(f_name):
    data = np.fromfile(f_name, dtype=data_t)
    scan = data[0]
    return scan