
A simple web proxy running on k8s

Primary LanguageSmartyMIT LicenseMIT

Web Proxy on Kubernetes

A simple web proxy with basic auth, running on kubernetes. Based on Squid3.


  1. Generate squid basic auth login
    LOGIN=`htpasswd -nd <user>`
    echo $LOGIN
  2. Edit sample vars
    cp ./samples/high-avail{,.my}.yaml
    open ./samples/high-avail.my.yaml
  3. Deploy
    helm install charts/`ls charts/ | tail -1` --name webproxy-k8s --namespace=webproxy -f samples/high-avail.my.yaml --set login="$LOGIN"
  4. Test
    curl -v -x usr:pwd@name.domain.io http://g.co/
  5. Upgrading
    helm upgrade webproxy-k8s charts/`ls charts/ | tail -1` -f samples/high-avail.my.yaml --set login="$LOGIN"

Running the HA version in a multi-AZ cluster

Chart deployment has soft anti-affinity scheduling built-in. To get HA setup run it on a multi-node cluster and set replicas to >1.