
converts JS objects into their observable equivalents using observ

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Converts JS objects into their observable equivalents using observ, observ-array and observ-struct. Designed for use with mercury




npm install observify


var observify = require('observify')
var data = observify({
  "foo": "bar",
  "cats": ["taco", "burrito"],
  "object": { key: 'value' },
  "age": 82

is equivalent to doing:

var array = require('observ-array')
var struct = require('observ-struct')
var value = require('observ')

var data = struct({
  "foo": value("bar"),
  "cats": array([value("taco"), value("burrito")]),
  "object": struct({ key: 'value' }),
  "age": value(82)

blacklisted properties

observ-struct has a blacklist of property names that cannot be used as keys (as they clash with javascript reserved words).

You can pass an options object with a autoRename property to tell observify to rename these properties.

var observify = require('observify')
var data = observify({
  "name":"I'm bad, I'm bad, you know it",
  "comment":"I am OK"
}, {


This would print:

  $name:"I'm bad, I'm bad, you know it",
  comment:"I am OK"

If autoRename is true it will default to $.

custom object contstructor

By default observify will use observ-struct, but if you want to use a different constructor for objects like observ-varhash you can pass it in as an object:

var data = observify({
  originalKey: 1
}, {
  objectConstructor: require('observ-varhash')

// add a key!
data.put('newKey', 2)

// remove a key!