
A FastApi example project providing a password generator.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



A FastApi example project providing a password generator.

Local Development


  • Python v3.9
  • pip

Create virtual environment and install dependencies

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Environment Variables and .env File

For running the application locally with a custom configuration using Uvicorn (also when using docker-compose) you need to have a .env file placed in project root. This file is not checked into the repo. This .env file contains the following environment variables for configuring the default values for the password generation:

  • DEFAULT_PASSWORD_LENGTH: configures the default password length
  • PASSWORD_NUMBERS: flag, "1" if the password should contain numbers
  • PASSWORD_LOWER_CASE_CHARS: flag, "1" if the password should contain lower case chars
  • PASSWORD_UPPER_CASE_CHARS: flag, "1" if the password should contain upper case chars
  • PASSWORD_SPECIAL_SYMBOLS: flag, "1" if the password should contain special symbols You can unset a flag with "0".

You can use the .env-example as a template like so:

cp .env-example .env

Code Formatting

I choose to add black as dependency for doing automatic code formatting. Manual code formatting is time-consuming. This way the software engineer can use his time to work on features and improvements. Black is also used in the CI/CD pipeline to check for correct code formatting. Black configuration is included in pyproject.toml.

Run black to format code in project root like this:

black .


I choose to add pylint as linter as this is probably the most widely used linter that is able to find syntax errors. Advantage of that tool is that we can identify syntax errors and bad coding practices which could slip through code review. Downside of pylint is that it produces a lot of false positives which need to be checked on and silenced. But I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages here. Pylint configuration is included in pyproject.toml.

Run pylint in project root like this:

pylint app tests image_build

Pre-commit Handler

The pre-commit handler is configured to automatically check:

  • general commit content i.e. no secrets in commits, large files
  • code formatting compliance (with black)
  • syntax errors, good coding practices (with pylint)

Install pre-commit handler:

pre-commit install

Adding pylint to the pre-commit handler can become questionable in larger projects as it then runs very slow. And this can slow down commits in development process. But in this small example problem this is not a problem.

Run Tests

Pytest configuration is included in pyproject.toml. Run all tests from project root:


Run only the tests for the application from project root:

pytest tests/application

Run only the tests for the Docker image build from project root:

pytest tests/image_build

Create test coverage reports from project root like so:

pytest --cov=app

Run the Application

uvicorn --host --port 8000 app.main:app

For development purposes you can use the --reload flag for hot reloading after code changes:

uvicorn --host --port 8000 --reload app.main:app

Build and run the Docker Container

Build the container from project root:

docker build --target production-image --tag password-generator:dev .

Run the container from project root:

docker run --rm -it --publish 8000:8000 password-generator:dev

Use --env parameter for applying a customer configuration for the above- mentioned environment variables.

Or fire application up with docker-compose:

docker-compose up

The .env file becomes picked up by docker-compose. For running the application with a customer configuration change the environment variables there.

You can also publish the Docker Image manually to Docker Hub if you really want to do so. Please be aware that you need to have set the environment variables that script uses in the .env file first:

python -m image_build.publish

Application Usage

After firing up the application by one of the above described ways, the application is then available on localhost. Point your browser to

The applications homepage just redirects to the API autodocs on The usage of the password generation endpoint is thoroughly documented in the autodocs. This is also a convenient way to try out the functionality of that endpoint.

The API endpoint for password generation is available on Following query parameters can be set on that endpoint:

  • password_length: int, minimum 6, maximum 200, length of the password
  • password_numbers: boolean flag, true if the password should contain numbers
  • password_lower_case_chars: boolean flag, true if the password should contain lower case chars
  • password_upper_case_chars: boolean flag, true if the password should contain upper case chars
  • password_special_symbols: boolean flag, true if the password should contain special symbols

Version Control Workflow

For this project I choose to go for trunk-based development as a version control management practice. The core "trunk" is here the projects "main" branch.


  • No need to build releases on special branches: saves time and effort for merges in the team
  • CI/CD friendly: deployments can be done easily via pipeline i.e. by simply tagging the trunk ("main" branch)
  • Enables team to do deliver frequently to production
  • Urgent hotfixes can be delivered faster


  • Deliverables/Features have to be planned more thoroughly as they become deployed immediately via small feature branches

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Branch naming conventions:

  • main (trunk)
  • feature/{description}
  • bugfix/{description}
  • hotfix/{description}

CI/CD Workflow

The CI/CD Workflow is run on GitHub with GitHub Workflow/Actions. It contains the following flows:

Design Decisions / Best Practices

Here I put my main considerations. A lot of details are contained as comments in the code.


I choose to use FastApi as main framework because it is widely used, well maintained and provides everything needed for this application. It provides sync and async functionality out-of-the-box. Plus it relies on pydantic framework which provides data validation, serialisation and settings handling. Also, it has a self documentation feature for API endpoints which comes in handy as well. So I could rely on these features and had very little code to write. Flask does not provide these features out-of-the-box and requires to write a lot of boilerplate code.

Development setup

It's a good practice to do code formatting and linting from day 0 in a project. This results in a good quality and readable code that helps yourself and other developers working on the project. Having a pre commit handler in place contributes to this. It also makes additional checks automatically and helps to ensure that other best practices are followed. For instance not putting secrets into the repository.

It is also a good practice to write tests for your code. So I added pytest as test framework when starting the project. Test should cover all business critical parts and other vital parts of the application. So I wrote some tests for a decent test coverage. It's another good practice to visualise the achieved test coverage. Therefor I added the coverage package. Test coverage can be displayed this way using the CLI. I also integrated with Codecov.

For configuring the development tools (Pytest, Black, Pylint), I used a pyproject.toml file. The advantage is that all the configurations are in one place and can be easily maintained.


I choose to separate the API from the underlying functionality by using a service. Here I follow the well known service pattern. Services encapsulate functionality and/or business logic. They sit between API and the persistence layer for instance like so: API - Service - Repository This application does not (yet) have a persistence layer though. This way we achieve some decoupling and flexibility for future changes: for instance if API or data persistence changes, we do not necessarily have to touch the functionality/business logic. This way it is also easier to write tests for separate parts of the application especially business critical functionality.

I versioned the API. Versioning your API from day 0 is a good practice as it's just natural that additional features and API endpoints will be added in the future. Also, it's also a good idea to have a decorator for API endpoints to unify the error handling and error messages. As projects grow that saves a lot of boilerplate code, helps to standardise logging and helps debugging an application.

For generating the password I followed the best practices described in the official Python documention for the secrets module.

Docker Image

When building a Docker image you usually want:

  • predictable builds
  • low build time
  • not trigger unnecessary builds/stages
  • a secure image
  • the smallest possible image

To achieve this I applied the following best practices:

Predictable Builds

  • Pin the root image with image digest
  • Pin the application dependencies in requirements files to fixed versions

Low build time

  • Exclude everything from Docker context which is not needed for the build with a .dockerignore file
  • Separate production and development dependencies for the application with separate requirements files
  • Only build the production dependencies (requirements.txt) for the image

Not trigger unnecessary builds/stages

  • Do a multistage build with a dependency build stage, so dependencies are only build when they actually change
  • Code changes do not trigger the dependency build stage (if dependencies have been built before once, build cache)

Secure Image

  • The official Python image is used as base image which is well maintained
  • Application is run without root privileges

Smallest possible Image

  • The slim variant of the official Python image is used
  • Only the files needed for running the application are copied to the image

CI/CD Pipeline

In a pipeline it's a common good practice to check for code quality and run all test before building an application or a Docker image. This way it is safeguarded that the application works as expected.