Simple reactjs webapp primarily demonstrating stytch as login-as-service.
This demo app serves as an example for following tooling
- Stytch auth for login-as-service
- Recoil for state management
- React Router Dom v6 for client side routing
- React Testing Library for component testing
- Recoil component mocking for tests
- React in-built CI tooling for code coverage
Author: Ramesh Doddi LinkedIn
Technology executive and entrepreneur continuously looking out for creative products to streamline and accelerate product roadmaps.
Distributed under terms listed in LICENSE
cp .env-template .env
- Set up your Stytch account
- Create demo project
- Get your public key from Stytch project dashboard
- Copy to env
npm install
npm run start
npm run test:ci
open coverage/lcov-report/index.html