
Lua bindings to /dev/input/event* for non-blocking event reading

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Library for using the Linux input/uinput subsystem to read input events or create input devices and events.

This allows reading keyboard/mouse/touchscreen events, and emulating input devices for all other applications on the system.

Compatible with Lua5.1, LuaJIT, Lua5.2, Lua5.3, Lua5.4.



This library is packaged and build using Luarocks, which makes building and installing easy.

git clone https://github.com/max1220/lua-input
cd lua-input
# install locally, usually to ~/.luarocks
luarocks make --local

When installing locally you need to tell Lua where to look for modules installed using Luarocks, e.g.:

luarocks path >> ~/.bashrc

You can also install the library manually, see documentation.

Some of the examples also require my simple time library.

Device permissions

Because this library might read/write access to the /dev/input/* or /dev/uinput special files, you need to make sure your user has the correct permissions. The /dev/input/event* files are typically owned by the input group, so adduser <your username> input should be enough to give you access. For security reasons, the /dev/uinput device is owned root:root, since it can add virtual input devices to the computer that are identified as regular system input devices. If your usecase requires access to this functionallity, I recommend creating a separate user or group for access to /dev/uinput. You never should chmod the files in /dev/.

Library usage

Full usage see doc/USAGE.md

Reading events from a device

local input = require("lua-input")

-- read events from a device
local input_dev = input.open_input("/dev/input/event0")
while true do
	local ev = input_dev:read_event()
	print("event",ev.type, ev.code, ev.value)