
Makes Odroid XU3 Lite fan silent on idle load

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Adopted settings to get odroid-xu3-fan-control working on XU4.

Makes Odroid XU4 Lite fan silent on idle load

Odroid XU4

Will only work on:

  • Ubuntu 15.04.1

Was not tested anywhere else. Might work though after adjusting script variables


Only Odroid XU4 is supported

Is it safe to use?

When script quits it brings fan mode back to automatic "factory" settings.


sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/max2play/odroid-xu3-fan-control.git
cd odroid-xu3-fan-control
sudo ./odroid-xu3-fan-control.sh


To make it start when system boots:

edit odroid-fan-controller and add the path of the odroid-xu3-fan-control.sh script (full-pathname), then do the following to add it to the runlevels

cd /etc/init.d/
#adjust to correct, absolute path below
sudo ln -s ~/odroid-xu3-fan-control/odroid-fan-controller
sudo update-rc.d odroid-fan-controller defaults

you can also use the following to start the controller

sudo /etc/init.d/odroid-fan-controller start


sudo /etc/init.d/odroid-fan-controller stop

to stop the controller