
Simple Cipher Tools

Primary LanguagePython

Crypt Tools

This is a little collection of encryption and decryption tools

Crypt Tools currently includes Caesar Cipher and Vigenère Cipher More to come.



caesar.py is a simple tool to rotate the characters of a string or text caesar cipher is also known as rotate cipher.

caesar.py includes tkinter to provide a simple interface for choosing file input and output.



vigenere.py is a more advanced tool than caesar.py. Vigenère Cipher is using caesar cipher with rotation based on keyword.

Only CLI so no GUI is available at the moment. CLI intructions:

  • python vigenere.py -t <"TEXT"|PATHNAME> -k <KEY>
  • Don't forget the "" if you have a text longer than 1 word!
  • add -a to the end to analyze the frequency of characters


REMINDER: None of those Ciphers is very secure as I provide de- AND encode, don't use it for really important mails or similar!

==== TODO:

  • GUI for Vigenère
  • Recode Caesar on Vigenère for mor flexibility
  • more to come...