
A tool for formatting your tree-sitter queries.

✨ Features


  • Automatically format single files or directory
  • Configurable with cli-flags
  • Option to only preview file

📦 Installation

Download release (coming soon)

  1. Download query-fmt-{platform}-x86_64.zip
  2. Unzip it
  3. Run it with query-fmt

Build from source

  1. Install with cargo install --git https://github.com/max397574/query-fmt.rs.git
  2. run with query-fmt

Build from local directory

  1. Clone this directory with git clone https://github.com/max397574/query-fmt.rs
  2. cd query-fmt.rs
  3. Build with cargo build --release
  4. Run with ./target/release/query-fmt

🚀 Usage

A formatter for tree-sitter queries

Usage: query-fmt [OPTIONS] <file>

  <file>  Name of the file or directory to format

  -p, --preview                    Preview the formatted file
      --no-print-filename          Don't print filename in output
  -i, --indent <INDENT>            Indent of nested things [default: 2]
  -l, --list-indent <LIST_INDENT>  Indent of list items [default: 1]
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version