Slides are the same as the complete script.
Distribution sheet on Moodle
- Estimation for data and assumed underlying parameters
- Confidence Intervals
- Testing of hypothesis
- Classical inference
- Likelihood inference
- Bayesian inference
- (Bootstrap)
- i.i.d. case vs. conditionally independent (regression...) vs. dependent case (longitudinal data)
$X_i \overset{i.i.d.}\sim F(x) = \mathbb{P}(X \leq x)$ - Observations:
$x_1, ..., x_n$ - Radon-Nikodym density
- Lebesgue measure, Dirac measure
$X \sim F(x|\bm{\theta}), \bm{\theta} = (\theta_1, ..., \theta_k)^T \in \Theta \subseteq \mathbb{R}^k$ - Density completely defined by the distributional assumption and
$f(\bm{x}|\bm{\theta}) = h(\bm{x}) \exp(b(\bm{\theta}) + \bm{\gamma}(\bm{\theta})^T \bm{T}(\bm{x}))$ $h(\bm{x}) \geq 0$ $\bm{T}, \bm{\gamma} \in \mathbb{R}^r$ -
$\bm{T}:$ statistics -
$\bm{\gamma}:$ natural parameters -
$f$ is strictly$r$ -parametric$\rightarrow$ $\bm{T} \bot \bm{\gamma}$ - The density can be factorized in a part which only depends on the data and a part which depends on the parameters
- Have sufficient statistics
- Concave likelihood
- Have conjugate priors
- Simplified calculations of expectations
- Simple linear exponential family
- Location scale family
- E.g.,
$f_0(z) = \mathbb{I}_{(-0.5, 0.5)}(z)$ -
$a$ not necessarily the mean - Cauchy distribution
$\rightarrow$ there the location is the median- Simulation:
$C \sim \frac{N(0, 1)}{N(0, 1)}$
- Simulation:
- E.g.,
- Mixture distributions, discrete mixtures
$y_i | \bm{x}_i \sim N(\bm{x}_i^T\bm\beta, \sigma^2)$ - Normality assumption is only necessary for confidence intervals, for
$n \rightarrow \infty$ , it can be dropped $\bm\theta = (\bm\beta, \sigma^2)$
$\mathbb{E}(y_i | \bm{x}_i) = h(\bm{x}_i^T\bm\beta)$
- missed one lecture
$\rightarrow$ page 14 - Mean squared error (MSE)
- $\text{MSE}\theta(\bm{T}) = \mathbb{E}\theta[(\bm{T} - \theta)(\bm{T} - \theta)^T] = \text{COV}\theta(\bm{T}) + \text{Bias}\theta(\bm{T})\text{Bias}_\theta(\bm{T})^T$
- There is a scalar and a matrix version
- $\text{MSE}\theta(\bm{T}) = \text{trace}(\text{COV}\theta(\bm{T})) + ||\text{Bias}_\theta(\bm{T})||^2$
- The concept of "quality" is frequentist
- In this interpretation the quality of the method
$\bm{T}$ is evaluated
- Frequentist
- Been there, done that
$\phi : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow {A_0, A_1} = {0, 1}$ - $\phi(X) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if} ; T(\bm{x}) \in C_\alpha, \ 0 & \text{if} ; T(\bm{x}) \notin C_\alpha. \ \end{cases}$
- Power function
$g_\phi(\bm\theta) = \mathbb{P}_\theta(A_1)$ - Level condition (reformulation):
$g_\phi(\bm\theta) \leq \alpha \text{ for } \bm\theta \in \Theta_0$ - Type II error:
$1 - g_\phi(\bm\theta)$ - Possible to calculate if both hypothesis are point hypothesis
- p-value
$p = \mathbb{P}(T(\bm{X}) > T(x) | \mu = \mu_0)$
- S-value an alternative
- Minimax criterion
- Bayesian criterion
$\rightarrow$ Bayes optimal rule
$\rightarrow$ Posterior Bayes risk- Admissible
- Posterior expected value is Bayes optimal with the quadratic loss function
- Median posterior is Bayes optimal with the absolute loss function
- Posterior mode is Bayes optimal with the 0-1 loss function
$\rightarrow$ ML estimator
- Multiple imputation is Bayesian
- criterion
$\rightarrow$ rule$\rightarrow$ decision
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())
r1 <- function(x) 3^2 * pi^2 / 3 / 10
r2 <- function(x) 3^2 * pi^2 / 12 / 10 + (1 - x)^2 / 4
ggplot() +
geom_function(fun = r1, color = "red") +
geom_function(fun = r2, color = "blue") +
xlim(-5, 5)
- Basic model
$\hat{\mathbb{P}} \in \mathcal{P} = {f(\bm{x}|\bm{\theta}) : \bm{\theta} \in \Theta}$
- Statistic
$\mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^l$ $\bm{x} \mapsto \bm{T}(\bm{x})$ - Example
$\bm{T}$ estimator:$l = k$ -
$T$ test:$l = 1$
$p(\bm{x} | \bm{T}(\bm{X}) = \bm{t}, \theta) = p(\bm{x} | \bm{T}(\bm{X}) = \bm{t})$ $\Leftrightarrow p(\bm{x} | \bm\theta) = h(\bm{x}) g(\bm{T}(\bm{x}) | \bm\theta)$ - Was geht mit injektiv und Jacobi Matrix?
- The order statistic is sufficient for iid data, nice example
$\bm{T}(\bm{X}) = \bm{H}(\bm{V}(\bm{X}))$ - I.e.,
$\bm{T}(\bm{X})$ can be calculated out of every other sufficient statistic.
- $\mathbb{E}\theta(g(\bm{T})) = 0\ \forall \theta \Rightarrow \mathbb{P}\theta(g(\bm{T}) = 0) = 1\ \forall \theta$
- Sufficiency
$\wedge$ completeness$\Rightarrow$ minimum sufficiency - Minimum sufficiency
$\nRightarrow$ completeness (example 2.9)
- $\text{MSE}\theta(\hat\theta) = \mathbb{E}\theta((\hat\theta - \theta)^2) = \mathbb{V}_\theta(\hat\theta) + \text{Bias}(\hat\theta)^2$
- TODO implement example 2.10, Bayes estimator
bayes_est <- function(x) {
n <- length(x)
a <- b <- sqrt(n) / 2
(sum(x) + a) / (a + b + n)
# Monte Carlo
p <- 0.7
x <- replicate(5e4, rbinom(n = 1e3, size = 1, prob = p), simp = FALSE)
x_std <- sapply(x, mean)
x_bayes <- sapply(x, bayes_est)
# Visual
# plot(x_std - p, x_bayes - p)
# abline(0,1)
mean((x_std - p)^2)
mean((x_bayes - p)^2)
# Bias
(mean(x_std) - p)^2
(mean(x_bayes) - p)^2
# Var
mean((x_std - p)^2) - (mean(x_std) - p)^2
mean((x_bayes - p)^2) - (mean(x_bayes) - p)^2
- Fisher regularity
- Support does not depend on
$\theta$ .
- Support does not depend on
$\mathbb{E}(\bm{s}(\bm\theta | \bm{X})) = \bm0$ $\mathbb{V}(\bm{s}(\bm\theta | \bm{X})) = \mathcal{I}(\bm\theta)$ -
$iid$ : every observation has the same information$\mathcal{I}(\bm\theta) = n \cdot i(\bm\theta)$ $i(\bm\theta) = \mathbb{E}(-\ell''(\bm\theta | X_1)) = \mathbb{V}(\ell'(\bm\theta | X_1))$
$\mathcal{I}_{\bm{T}}(\bm\theta) = \mathcal{I}(\bm\theta) \Leftrightarrow \bm{T} \text{ is sufficient for } \bm\theta.$ - C. R. Rao, 102 Jahre alt, still going strong
- Not defined relation between MSE and strong consistency
- Chebyshev inequality
- Better notation for asymptotic normality
$\sqrt{n}(\bar{X}_n - \mu) \overset{d}\rightarrow N(0, \sigma^2)\ \text{for}\ n \rightarrow \infty$ -
$\sqrt{n} \bar{X}_n \overset{d}\rightarrow N(\sqrt{n}\mu, \sigma^2)\ \text{for}\ n \rightarrow \infty \rightarrow$ this is stupid
- Roots of matrix unique except for rotation
- Critical region
$C_\alpha$ - $\phi(\bm{X}) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if }\ T(\bm{X}) \in C_\alpha, \ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}$
- Actions
$A_0, A_1$ , don't reject, reject - Power function $g_\phi(\theta) = \mathbb{E}\theta(\phi(\bm{X})) = \mathbb{P}\theta(A_1)$
- "We want a power of x if
$\theta_1 = ... \rightarrow$ find$n$
- MLE's are asymptotically unbiased BAN (best asymptotically normal) estimators.
- Hypothesis
$H_0: \bm{C} \bm\theta = \bm{d}$ vs.$H_1: \bm{C} \bm\theta \neq \bm{d}$ - Dimension of
$\bm{C}$ and$\bm{d}$ is$s$ . - Likelihood ratio statistic
$\lambda$ $\lambda = 2 \log \left( \mathcal{L}(\hat\theta)/\mathcal{L}(\tilde\theta) \right)= 2(\ell(\hat\theta) - \ell(\tilde\theta))$ -
$\lambda$ too large$\Rightarrow$ reject$H_0$ - Optimization under linear constraints
$\rightarrow$ Lagrange method
- Wald statistic
$w$ - Standardized distance between hypothetical value
$\bm{d}$ under$H_0$ and$\bm{C} \hat\theta$ . -
$w$ too large$\Rightarrow$ reject$H_0$ $w = \hat\beta_s^T \mathcal{I}_{s \times s}^{-1} \hat\beta_s$
- Standardized distance between hypothetical value
- Score/Rao statistic
$u$ - Built out of
$s(\tilde{\bm\theta}|\bm{x})$ (score function constructed w.r.t.$H_1$ model, plug in constraints, say $s_{\hat\theta}(\tilde{\bm\theta}|\bm{x})$) - Idea: For
$\hat{\bm\theta}, s(\hat{\bm\theta}|\bm{x}) = 0$ -
$u$ too large$\Rightarrow$ reject$H_0$
- Built out of
$\lambda, w, u \overset{a}{\sim} \chi^2(s)$ - Reject if
$\lambda, w, u > \chi_{1 - \alpha}^2(s)$ - Joint confidence intervals $\mathbb{P}\theta(w \leq \chi{1 - \alpha}^2(p)) \overset{a}{\approx} 1 - \alpha$ are hard to calculate and interpret. They are ellipsoids.
- Component wise confidence intervals assume independence of estimators (see multiple testing!)
$\mu$ and$\sigma$ independent- $f(\mu, \sigma^2 | x) \propto \text{likelihood} \times \text{prior}\mu \times \text{prior}{\sigma^2}$
$f(\mu, \sigma^2 | x) \propto f(x | \mu, \sigma^2) \times f(\mu) \times f(\sigma^2)$ $f(\mu | x) \propto f(x | \mu, \sigma^2) \times f(\mu)$
$\text{cov}(\hat{y}) =$ estimation uncertainty + data generating process uncertainty
- Metropolis-Hastings
- Gibbs
r <- 4
f <- dnorm # want to sample from
q <- function(x) 1/r # proposal
alpha <- function(x1, x2, f, q) min(f(x2) / q(x2) / f(x1) * q(x1), 1) # p accept
n <- 3e4; x <- numeric(n + 1); count <- 0
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
y <- x[[i]] + runif(1, -r/2, r/2) # candidate point
x[[i + 1]] <- if (runif(1) < alpha(x[[i]], y, dnorm, q)) {
count <- count + 1
} else x[[i]]
count / n
- Proper density: non-negative, integrate to 1
- Can a prior distribution which assigns 0 probability mass to negative values be used with a identity link in GLMs?
- Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Fisher-information (matrix)
- Neyman criterion / factorization theorem
- [o] Exponential family
- Definition
- (Minimum) Sufficiency in exponential family
- All properties
- Fisher-regularity
- Risk
- Rao-Blackwellization
- Asymptotic normality
- Delta method
- Quotienten Regel
- UMPU test
- Metropolis-Hastings and Gibbs
- Weakly consistent
- Jeffrey's prior