
Attempt to create 'real' handwriting glyphs using d3

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

D3 Handwriting type generator

Have you ever noticed those types that make you think like they are handwritten, only to find same-letter multiples together and have the illusion completely shattered?

With static types, there are simply no satisfactory replacements for a handwritten type. I find that completely upending, and to scratch that itch I've turned to D3 for a more 'proper' implementation of an actual 'handwritten' typeset - one that changes upon rendering.

D3 takes care of generating SVG lines for the glyphs, whose coordinates are randomized runtime and interpolated using basis interpolation to achieve that good ol' scrawl feel. It also (almost) guarantees that every rendering will be unique - just like every scribble is.

It is worthwhile to note that this is completely preposterous to use as an actual typeface, as it would require JavaScript upon any given display (say, your birthday card). However, this does lend itself to more meaningful applications, such as rendering and then transferring to static media (PDF, say) multiple times over.

I am looking for a proper glyph implementation - one that can be projected and transformed. My current process (painting a glyph with my mouse on the SVG element and saving the coordinates) is not close to optimal, but it works for now. If anyone knows of a better standard way (taking a standard Unicode implementation and parsing out to a SVG:line) do let me know.


After git clone, run npm install and bower install to add the dev dependencies. Then gulp will translate the CoffeeScript and watch for any changes.

Without the --production option, a dev version of handwritten.js is built, which includes default <div>s for the glyphs to draw on, along with dat.GUI to play with variables. There is a handy index.html file under the dev folder where you can experiment with your changes - serve the entire repo folder with your favorite server and browse to see your changes.

Build release

Run gulp --production to generate an uglified, minifed version ready for release.