
Execute commands conditionally when a folder contains any file changes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MacroLock is a utility tool that helps you detect changes in a directory and execute a script if changes are detected. It does this by generating a checksum for the directory and comparing it with a previously stored checksum. If the checksums do not match, it means there have been changes in the directory, and MacroLock will execute the provided script.


You can install MacroLock via npm:

npm install macrolock

Or via yarn:

yarn add macrolock


MacroLock is used from the command line and takes three arguments:

  1. The path to the directory you want to monitor.
  2. The path to the lock file where the checksum will be stored.
  3. The script you want to execute if changes are detected.

Here's an example of how you can use MacroLock:

"scripts": {
  "start": "npm run watch && tauri dev",
  "ifDif:buildjs": "npm run macrolock ./js ./locks/js_code.lock 'npm run js:build'",
  "ifDif:buildcomponents": "npm run macrolock ./src/components ./locks/components.lock 'npm run generate-components'",
  "watch:components": "chokidar './src/components/' -c 'npm run ifDif:buildcomponents'",
  "watch:js": "chokidar './js/' -c 'npm run ifDif:buildjs'",
  "watch": "run-p watch:*"

In this example, we're using chokidar to watch for changes in our directories. When chokidar detects a change, it runs our ifDif scripts which use MacroLock to check if there have been any substantial changes in our directories (i.e., changes that affect the checksum). If there have been, MacroLock executes the provided scripts (js:buildandgenerate-components).


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
