
Python class for UCF CS 15 - Labs and Notes.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Python class for UCF CS 15:

  • Lab Solutions
  • Notes
  • Any Extra's


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Lesson 1 Wednesday June 22nd Notes:

octothorpe #

  • another term for the pound sign (#).

Python 2 vs 3

  • Python2 vs 3 Site
  • Python 3 syntax is simpler and easily understandable whereas Python 2 syntax is comparatively difficult to understand.
  • Python 3 default storing of strings is Unicode whereas Python 2 stores need to define Unicode string value with “u.”
  • Python 3 value of variables never changes whereas in Python 2 value of the global variable will be changed while using it inside for-loop.
  • Python 3 exceptions should be enclosed in parenthesis while Python 2 exceptions should be enclosed in notations.
  • Python 3 rules of ordering comparisons are simplified whereas - Python 2 rules of ordering comparison are complex.
  • Python 3 offers Range() function to perform iterations whereas, In Python 2, the xrange() is used for iterations.


Python Vs Java Code - Python is much Simpler

  • Python Vs Java Code - Python is much Simpler
  • IntruderDetectorKey - Keylogger type malware detection.

Data Types in Python

Data Types


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Lesson 2 Saturday June 25ft Notes:

Lab solutions:

All Lab Solutions for Lesson 2

Programming Case Types:

  1. camelCase
  2. PascalCase
  3. snake_case
  4. kebab-case

you can also mix...

  • e.g. Pascal-Kebab-Case

Variable Data Types

name = input("Enter your name: ")
age = input("Enter your age: ")
lastNameFromTheUser = input("Enter your last name: \n    ")

Printing with Strings a Variables

print("Your name is: ", name, "Your age is: ", age)

print(f"Your name is: {name} \n And your age is: {age}\n and your last name is: {lastNameFromTheUser}")

print("Your name is: {}. Is this correct: {}".format(name, name))

Variable Splicing by Index

newEmailAddressForUser = name[0] + lastNameFromTheUser + "@company.com"
print(f"Hello {name} this is your new company email: {newEmailAddressForUser}")

Getting Users Initials


User Input

age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
numberOfDrinks = input("How many drinks have you had: ")


if age >= 21 or int(numberOfDrinks) <= 5:
    print("You can have another drink")

print("Sorry no more drinks for you!")

NOT Operation

password = input("Enter your password: ")

if password != "hello":
    print("Wrong Pass")

password = "hello"

print(password == "hello")

Asking for numbers and chekcing if they are valid integers then performing the operation.

while True:
    num1 = input("Enter a number: ")
    num2 = input("Enter another number: ")

if num1.isdigit() and num2.isdigit():
    print("Your input is a Integer")
    print("Your input is not a Integer, try again!")


List Index's

age = 20
name = 'Swaroop'
lastName = 'Chandrasekhar'
randomFloat = 3.14

list1 = [age, name, lastName, 345, 345, randomFloat, True, 345, "Hello World!"]
#Indexes: 0,    1,      2,      3,          4,    5,         6

list1[0] = 50
del list1[-1]
list1.insert(2, 'Index2')
list1 = 1, 2, 59, 14, 1,4 ,124 ,51, 15,1


Lists use [ ] and seperated by commas and are mutable (can be changed) - Use Index to access specific elements.

Dictionary use { } and seperated by commas and are mutable (can be changed) and have a key and value pair Use Key to access specific elements.

Tuples use ( ) and seperated by commas and are immutable (cannot be changed) use Index to access specific elements.

[] = list - easiest keys to press and most often used {} = Dictionaries second easiest key to press and second most often used () = Tuples third easiest key to press and least used.

dict1 = {'name': 'John', 'age': '27', 'city': 'New York'}


person1 = {'name': 'John', 'age': '27', 'city': 'New York', 'hobbies': ['Python', 'ice Skating', 'Programming']}
person2 = {'name': 'Michelle', 'age': '27', 'city': 'New York', 'hobbies': ['Biking', 'Coding', 'Programming']}

# Resturant menu for vegetarian and non-vegetarian with different types of burgers 

menu = {'vegetarian': {'pizza': '$15', 'burger': '$8', 'fries': '$5'}, 'non-vegetarian': {'pizza': '$12', 'burger': '$10', 'fries': '$7'}}


# if person1 and person2 live in the same city and have 50% ore more same hobbies, print they should be friends. 

if person1['city'] == person2['city'] and len(set(person1['hobbies']) & set(person2['hobbies'])) / len(set(person1['hobbies'])) >= 0.1:
    print('They should be friends')

#Set up a dictionary with services and their port numbers. Create a statement that asks the user for a service name. Print the specified service and port number.
# dictionary of ports and services with minumum of 10 services

ports = {'http': 80, 'https': 443, 'ftp': 21, 'ssh': 22}
ask = input("What service would you like to know the port number of? ")

Set up a dictionary with services and their port numbers. Create a statement that asks the user for a service name. Print the specified service and port number.

# dictionary of ports and services with minumum of 10 services

# ports = {'http': 80, 'https': 443, 'ftp': 21, 'ssh': 22}
# ask = input("What service would you like to know the port number of? ").lower()

# print(ports[ask.lower()])

import socket 
while True:
    ask1 = input("A Service or a port: ")
    if ask1.isdigit():
        except OSError:
            print("No such service")
        except OSError:
            print("No such service")
            print("Sorry try again!")

Shopping Cart Program

print("----------shoping cart----------")
print("1. Add item to cart")
print("2. Remove item from cart")
print("3. Show cart")
print("4. Exit")
print("Please select an option: ")
question = input('Select an option: ')
if question == "1":
elif question == "2":
elif question == "3":

elif question == "4":
    print("Invalid option")

def add_item():
    item = input("Enter an item: ")
    print("Item added to cart")

def remove_item():
    item = input("Enter an item to remove: ")
    if item in cart:
        print("Item removed from cart")
        print("Item not in cart")

def show_cart():
    print("----------shoping cart----------")
    print("Your cart: ")
    for item in cart:

Class June 27th 2022

list comprehension

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"]
fruitsWithTheLetterA = []
for x in fruits:
if "a" in "apple":


fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"]
newlist = [x for apple in fruits if "a" in apple]
newlist = [expression for item in iterable if condition == True]
newlist = [x for x in fruits if x != "apple"]

even = lambda a: True if 10 % 2 == 0 else False

if (a%2 == 0):

lass excercise:

Create a list of groceries with an available budget.

ex: groceries = [('apples', 2.50), ('oranges', 3.00), ('milk', 3.50), ('bread', 4.50)]

Simulate grocery shopping.

ask user what item they want to buy and tally up the totals when they checkout.

ex: 3 apples = 2.5 * 3 = 9.0 | and 2 break = 4.5 * 3

print out the total cost of the groceries.

groceries = [('apples', 2.00), ('oranges', 3.00), ('milk', 3.00), ('bread', 5.00)]
totalItems = 0
totalCost = 0
purchased = {}

for x in groceries:
    itemCount = input(f"How many {x[0]} do you want to buy:  ")
    totalCost += x[1] * int(itemCount)
    totalItems += int(itemCount)
    purchased[x[0]] = int(itemCount)

    print(f"\nThe total cost of {x[0]} is ${(x[1] * int(itemCount))}\n")
print(f"\nTotal Cost of your {totalItems} items of {purchased} Groceries: {totalCost} \n")

print(f"The Total Cost of your Groceries: {str(totalCost)} \n The Total Items of your Groceries: {str(totalItems)}")

# itemCount = [x[1] * int(input(f"How many {x[0]} do you want to buy:  ")) for x in groceries]
# print ("The total cost of your groceries is ${}".format(sum([x[1] * int(itemCount) for x in groceries])))

Class June 29th Lesson 4

Websites talked about

  • https://www.codingame.com/start - this is the main website for codingame.

  • https://www.codingame.com/playgrounds - this is the playgrounds page for codingame.

  • https://www.codingame.com/playgrounds/python - this is the python playgrounds page for codingame.

  • https://www.codingame.com/playgrounds/python/tutorial - this is the python tutorial playgrounds page for codingame.

  • https://rosalind.info/problems/locations/ - this is the Rosalind locations page.

  • site-shot.com | Screenshot website safely

  • https://www.google.com/search?q=site+shot.com | Google search for site-shot.com

  • url2png.com | Convert a website to a png image

  • https://www.google.com/search?q=url2png.com | Google search for url2png.com

  • https://pypi.org/project/amortization/ | Amortization calculator for loan payments and interest rates (Python)

  • https://github.com/maxacode/UCF-CS-15-Python/blob/main/CodeWars.com/to_camel_case.py | To Camel Case (Python) from CodeWars.com

  • https://github.com/maxacode/BasicChatRoom/blob/master/ClientLog.log | View the chat log of the BasicChatRoom project on GitHub (this is a link to a file)

  • https://sentry.io/ | Sentry is a monitoring service that helps you track and fix bugs in your code. It also provides a way to track and fix security vulnerabilities in your code.

  • https://www.google.com/search?q=sentry.io | Google search for sentry.io

    # Lab 1

    # Request a number.

    # Divide by zero.

    # Handle the exception.


    # Request a number and casting to Float

    num1 = float(input("Enter a Number: "))

    # Divide by zero.

    solution = num1 / 0


    except ZeroDivisionError:

    print("Sorry can not divide by Zero!")

    except ValueError:

    print("Please enter a Number only!")

    except Exception as error:

    print(f"Sorry this {error} happend, try again!")

    # Handle the exception.

    print("Test Code for somethign Else!")

    # Lab 2

    Create an iteration of four loops.

    Request a number for multiplication.

    Ask the user for numbers.

    Handle potential errors.

    """Lab Objective: Practice handling errors that may occur in the code."""

    product = 1

    for i in range(4):


    num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

    print(f"The solution of: {product} X {num}")

    product *= num


    print("The input is not a valid number")

    print("The product of the 4 numbers is: " + str(product))

    Text file = a file with clear plain text.

    Binary File = File with not clear plain text - ex: PDF, Word Doc, PNG,

    Lesson 3

    Create a file while using error handling.

    Create a try block.

    Create a loop to write text to the file.

    Break the loop if the word exit is input.

    """Lab Objective: Practice working with files and error handling.""" try: file = open("file.txt", "w") while True: message = input("Enter text! ('Exit' to exit): ") if message.lower() == "exit": break else: file.write(message + "\n") file.close()

    except: print("An error occurred while trying to open the file.")

Lesson 5 Saturday July 2

str1 = "hello adadsfworldsdfasd, как дела!"

newStr = str1.split(" ")

print("List result from using split: {}".format(newStr))

for word in newStr:
if "world" in word:
print("Found the word 'world'!")
break .



Class 6 Wednesday July 6th.

import socketnew_socket = socket.socket() Ip = input(“Enter a IP address”)

Port = 5000 new_socket.bind((Ip, Port))

""" Detect windows login failed events.

Create an alert when 3 failed logins in a 5min span per user/machine.

Create an alert after 50 failed logins if a Succesful one happens within 10min.


logs= [
    {'Date': '07-06-2022', 'Time': '6:54', 'Username': 'Bob' ,'Event': 'Succesfull Logon', "IP Address": ""},
    {'Date': '07-06-2022', 'Time': '6:55', 'Username': 'Administrator' ,'Event': 'Failed Logon', "IP Address": ""},
    {'Date': '07-06-2022', 'Time': '6:56', 'Username': 'Administrator' ,'Event': 'Failed Logon', "IP Address": ""},
    {'Date': '07-06-2022', 'Time': '6:56', 'Username': 'Administrator' ,'Event': 'Succesfull Logon', "IP Address": ""},
    {'Date': '07-06-2022', 'Time': '6:57', 'Username': 'Administrator' ,'Event': 'Failed Logon', "IP Address": ""}

failedTimes = 0
timeOfFailLogin = 0

for singleLog in logs:
    if singleLog['Event'] == "Failed Logon":
        failedTimes += 1
        if failedTimes >= 3:
            print("ALERT! To many Failed Logins! BRUTE FORCE ATTEMPT")

        if singleLog['Time'] - timeOfFailLogin < 5:

            failedTimes = 0

"""Lab Objective: Implement the required commands to create a listening server."""
from audioop import add
import socket

print("Starting Server!")
my_sock = socket.socket()
my_sock.bind(("", 4444))

print("Waiting for connections!.....")
connection, address = my_sock.accept()
print(f"Connection Variable: {connection} \n Address Variable: {address}")


input("\nPress 'Enter' to exit the program")# prevents program from closing upon execution
