
A cross-platform minimal(-ish) dependency SLM controlling program.

Primary LanguageRust


This is a program for controlling SLMs with rust and python. The server is implemented in rust with grpc, allowing for control from any programming language that can connect to a web endpoint.


There's binaries in the releases section to download, which should run on windows and linux without extra stuff.

Server Compilation


For compiling on windows:

  1. Install rust (using rustup. You'll probably need to install the msvc c++ build-tools as well)
  2. Install the Vulkan SDK
  3. Download this repository, and go into the root directory
  4. Run cargo build --release
  5. The executable should be created as: target/release/rusty-slm-server.exe
  6. Run this executable from the terminal with a port number like: rusty-slm-server.exe 9000


For compiling on linux: Follow the same instructions as windows, but remove the .exe from the file name.


Probably the same as linux?

Python Client Installation

This repo also contains a simple python client for communicating with the server. You can install this through pip with:

pip install git+https://github.com/maxastyler/rusty-slm

Client Usage

Import the rusty_slm package into python, and create an SLMController object.

import numpy as np
from rusty_slm import SLMController

slm.set_image(np.random.randint(0, 256, (1920, 1080), dtype=np.uint8))

You can use set_screen to change which monitor the image is displayed on, and set_image to set the image. set_image takes a uint8 numpy array as an argument, which can have a shape (W, H) for greyscale images, or (W, H, 3) for colour images.

Usage from another language

The server communicates with clients using the GRPC system, which has implementations in loads of different languages. You can find the protobuf definition in protos/slm.proto, which is pretty simple.


  • Implement a function to return a full list of monitors, and their properties
  • Option to set a monitor by name, rather than number