
It is example app - catalogue using SwiftyJSON, UIScrollView and Youtube player.

Primary LanguageSwift

Blockbusters catalogue

This app can show you info about blockbuster films from different studios (poster, description, trailer). The app written on Swift 3. It uses Cocoapods, SwiftyJSON, YouTubePlayer frameworks, also UIScrollView and UITableView.



  • Add segues from one view to other
  • Diff view send info to each other
  • Simple, but elegant design


  • Changed category of data: now there are a lot of information about films
  • Added posters via ImageView and trailers via YouTubePlayer
  • Added reading data from json file via SwiftyJSON


  • Better design
  • More information about films
  • Using open film database via Alamofire


#####First screen: alt text

#####Choosing films alt text

#####Main screen with info about film: alt text

#####Last part of info screen: alt text

#####Screen for wayching youtube video in full screen: alt text