Getting started

  • Clone the repo
  • copy env.example to .env
  • set the DB_ environment variables in .env to your liking
  • create a database with the name specified in DB_DATABASE
  • composer install
  • migrate and seed products form json with php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  • php artisan l5-swagger:generate to get Swagger on /api/documentation/


As in description we need to have to track products removed from cart for sales. It will be two variants, if order was completed or cart was abandoned. In first case we have customer's info for sales, in second not, but decided to track them also for "most removed products" report.

Because of nature of problem I decided to go with Event Sourcing pattern & apply well-known spatie/laravel-event-sourcing package on top of Laravel.

So whole cart became an AggregateRoot, and on when order placed the Projector stores it to DB. Reports are based on EventQueries.

Also, for app/cart state storing I decided to use UUID, which could be generated in client or on some endpoint.


  • php artisan test