
Bash utility that makes git easy to use

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A bash based utility that makes working with Git simple and intuitive

gitbasher allows you to interact with Git repository from the command line in a simple and intuitive way, speeding up the development process, making it more consistent and reducing the number of mistakes. This is a wrapper around the most used Git commands, making their use clearer and providing outputs in a more readable form. It uses bash, git, sed, grep and some built-in utilities.

Table of Contents

Why you should try this?

gitbasher is essential if you use Git from the command line. What benefits does it provide?

  • No need to remember the names of many commands and their parameters
  • Fast and convenient way to perform popular operations, examples
  • Avoiding mistakes and unpleasant accidents
  • Following a one style of writing commits, making developnment process clearer and more consistent, facilitating the creation of releases and working of several developers on one project; gitbasher uses Conventional style of commits (example)
  • Easy following of the GitHub flow in development process by simplifying the work with branches


  • Choose files to commit and create conventional commit message in format: 'type(scope): message'
  • Single command replaces these three calls:
    git status
    git add ...
    git commit -m "..." 
  • You can also use functionality of --amend, --fixup, revert, [more information]
  • Fetch current branch and then merge changes with conflicts fixing
  • For example, you can avoid starting a merge due to an accidental call of git pull origin master, while being in another branch
  • Print list of commits, push them to a current branch or pull changes first
  • Avoid calling git push ... -> git pull ... -> git push ... if there are unpulled changes in branch, gitb push handles such changes in a single call
  • Create a conventional branch name, switch to the main branch, pull it and create a new one, replacing these three commands
    git switch main
    git pull origin main --no-rebase
    git switch -c ...
  • Full branch management: creation, fetching, pushing, deleting
  • Select branch to merge info current one and fix conflicts
  • Don't manually create a merge commit after merging
  • Create a new tag from a current commit and push it to a remote
  • Full tag managment: creation, fetching, pushing, deleting


Providing the application through package managers is a task for the future development, so you have to manually install/update the executable file:

PATH_TO_GITB=/usr/local/bin/gitb &&
sudo curl -SL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maxbolgarin/gitbasher/main/dist/gitb -o $PATH_TO_GITB &&
sudo chmod +x $PATH_TO_GITB

It works on Linux and Mac systems as is, on Windows you should use WSL (open cmd.exe and type wsl).

If you don't want to use sudo and place gitb in a global folder, you can put the script in a directory from user space, the path to which needs to be added to the PATH variable. To do this, in the example above, you should change the path in the PATH_TO_GITB variable to another, for example ~/.local/bin, and add this directory to PATH. After this, sudo may be omitted.


sudo rm /usr/local/bin/gitb


Usage gitb <command> <mode>

  • gitb help to get global help
  • gitb <command> help to get info about <command> and it's modes
  • gitb config main if you want to change the name of gitbasher's default branch (e.g. on develop)
  • gitb config sep if you want to change the separator between type and name in branch name (maybe / doesn't suite for you)
  • use shorthands to make your working with gitb faster

gitb commit <mode>

Modes Short Description
<empty> Choose files to commit and create conventional message in format: 'type(scope): message'
fast f Add all files (git add .) and create commit message as in gitb commit
msg m Same as in gitb commit, but create multiline commit message using text editor
ticket t Same as git commit msg, but add tracker's ticket info to the end of commit header
amend a Choose files and make --amend commit to the last one git commit --amend --no-edit
fixup x Choose files and select commit for --fixup git commit --fixup <commit>
autosquash s Choose commit from which to squash fixup commits and run git rebase -i --autosquash <commit>
revert r Choose commit to revert git revert -no-edit <commit>

gitb pull

Modes Short Description
<empty> Fetch current branch and then merge changes with conflicts fixing

gitb push <mode>

Modes Short Description
<empty> Print a list of commits, push them to the current branch or pull changes first
fast f Same as gitb push, but without pressing 'y' to confirm push
list l Print a list of unpushed local commits without actual pushing it

gitb merge <mode>

Modes Short Description
<empty> Select a branch to merge into a current one and fix possible conflicts
main m Merge main to a current branch and fix possible conflicts
to-main tm Switch to main and merge current branch into main

gitb branch <mode>

Modes Short Description
<empty> Select a local branch to switch into it
remote r Fetch an origin and select a remote branch to switch
main m Switch to main branch without additional confirmations
new n Build a name for a new branch, switch to main, pull it and create new branch
newc nc Build a name for a new branch and create it from a current branch
delete d Select a branch to delete locally and in origin

gitb tag <mode>

Modes Short Description
<empty> Create a new tag from a current commit and push it to a remote
commit c Create a new tag from a selected commit and push it to a remote
annotated a Create a new annotated tag from a current commit and push it to a remote
full f Create a new annotated tag from a selected commit and push it to a remote
list l Print a list of local tags
remote r Fetch tags from a remote and print it
push p Select a local tag for pushing to a remote
push-all pa Push all local tags to a remote
delete d Select a tag f delete in local and ask for deleting in a remote
delete-all da Delete all local tags

gitb config <name>

Names Short Description
main Update gitbasher's default branch (not for remote git repo!)
sep Update separator between type and name in branch
editor Update text editor for commit messages (it will override core.editor)

gitb <command>

Commands Description
status Show general info about repo and changed files
log Run git log with pretty oneline formatting
reflog Run git reflog with pretty oneline formatting
last-commit Show info about the last commit (last record from git log)
last-action Show info about the last action (last record from git reflog)
undo-commit Run git reset HEAD^ to move pointer up for one record and undo last commit
undo-action Run git reset HEAD@{1} to reset last record in reflog


Command Short aliases
commit c co cm com
push ps ph
pull pl pll
branch b br bh bra
tag t tg
config cfg conf
status s

For example, using shorthands you can create a branch using gitb b n, make fast commit using gitb c f and then push changes using gitb ps.


Most likely, if you have Linux, the necessary software is already installed on your machine. On MacOS, there is an outdated bash and there may be no git by default, so you should use homebrew to install it.


  • bash version from 4.0
    • Debian-based: apt install --only-upgrade bash
    • MacOS: brew install bash
  • git version from 2.23
    • Debian-based: git --version || apt install git
    • MacOS: git --version || brew install git



Here are the possible values for scope in a commit message header. Use only these values when making commits.

Scope Description
commit Changes mainly in commit.sh script, related to commit features and fixes
push Changes mainly in push.sh script, related to push features and fixes
pull Changes mainly in pull.sh script, related to pull features and fixes
merge Changes mainly in merge.sh script, related to merge features and fixes
branch Changes mainly in branch.sh script, related to branching features and fixes
tag Changes mainly in tag.sh script, related to tag features and fixes
gitlog Changes mainly in gitlog.sh script, related to corresponding features
main Changes mainly in base.sh script, related to some general behavior
misc Changes in README and other informational files
global Some common or many-files changes such as auto refactoring (don't abuse it)



The source code license is MIT, as described in the LICENSE file.