
Some examples of implementing forward convolution using CUDA. Also includes CUDNN forward conv as reference.

Primary LanguageCuda

CUDA Convolution Test


This project has some examples of CUDA forward convolution and the purpose is to investiage some features of CUDA.

Developed based on: http://www.goldsborough.me/cuda/ml/cudnn/c++/2017/10/01/14-37-23-convolutions_with_cudnn/

An edge detector is taken as an example for the forward convolution.

The /conv_cudnn directory has the CUDNN version of edge detector as the reference.

The /direct directoy has some examples of direct convolution. Starting from CPU convolution and naive CUDA solution, we can see how some CUDA features can accelerate the forward convolution task.


Filter being used across rgb channels:

Edge Dectector result:


  • CPU: I5-7600K
  • GPU: GTX1070
  • CUDA version: 10.0
  • CUDNN Version: 7.6.5

CUDNN Result

    mkdir conv_cudnn_build
    cd conv_cudnn_build

    cmake ../conv_cudnn

    ./conv_cudnn_3x3 ../images/780x585.jpg

CUDNN Forward convolution algorithms

Cudnn convolution kernel time in second:

FWD_ALGO \ Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
IMPLICIT_GEMM 6229e-4 2553e-3 1663e-2
IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM 4310e-4 1828e-3 1118e-2
GEMM 6909e-4 2851e-3 2002e-2
WINOGRAD 6690e-4 2878e-3 1741e-2

Note: The algorithm given by (cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm) and CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_PREFER_FASTEST in this device is : CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM

Direct Solution

CPU solution (/direct/conv_cpu.cu)

    mkdir direct_build
    cd direct_build
    cmake ../direct
    ./conv_cpu_test ../images/780x585.jpg

CPU time for edge detector task:

Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
CPU 2304e-1 1.101 6.070

CUDA naive solution (/direct/conv_cuda_naive.cu)

Naive CUDA solution with parallel loops.

    ./conv_cuda_naive ../images/780x585.jpg

Kernel time :

Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
CUDA Naive 1746e-3 7591e-3 4649e-2

CUDA solution + register output(/direct/conv_cuda_reg_nopad.cu)

Added register for block output, reduce writing to global memory access.

    ./conv_cuda_reg_out ../images/780x585.jpg

Kernel time :

Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
Kernel time 1126e-3 4803e-3 2995e-2

CUDA solution + SMEM + register output (/direct/conv_cuda_smem_nopad.cu)

Due to multiple read access to the overlapped areas, could be acclerated by putting the input area and zeros to share memory.

The kernel function become much more compliated due to the boundary and padding checks. HOwever, with the added loops and branches, the overall kernel time is shorter.

    ./conv_cuda_smem_out ../images/780x585.jpg

Kernel time :

Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
Kernel time 8249e-4 3399e-3 2085e-2

CUDA solution + reorder SMEM copy + register output (/direct/conv_cuda_smem_reorder.cu)

Reorder shared memory copying order for faster GMEM access by reducing conflict between blocks. Slightly faster than the above solution. Also, the block size 64x16 is found to be faster than 32x32.

    ./conv_cuda_smem_reorder ../images/780x585.jpg

Kernel time :

Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
Kernel time 7801e-4 3278e-3 1991e-2

CUDA solution + reorder SMEM copy and combine corner copy + register output (/direct/conv_cuda_smem_reorder.cu)

Combine the boundry checks in the block corners, which should reduce the branches in the CUDA kernel function. Speed Up ~2.2 than naive CUDA solution.

    ./conv_cuda_smem_combine ../images/780x585.jpg

Kernel time :

Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
Kernel time 7789e-4 3274e-3 1997e-2

*Further combining SMEM copying

Combine the top/left and bottom/right padding copying to reduce code divergence. Worked in the previous device but only work for small image size currently.

    ./conv_cuda_comb_further ../images/780x585.jpg

Kernel time :

Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
Kernel time 8130e-4 - -

*Constant Memory for Kernel(filter) (/direct/conv_cuda_final_cmem.cu)

The constant memory requires a known kernel size before compilation, which may not be applicable for general convolution usage. This change boost the performance and the kernel time is getting closed to CUDNN result.

Some other techinques such as loop unrolling should also significantly improve the performance but they also required some known dimensions.

    ./conv_cuda_smem_cmem ../images/780x585.jpg

Kernel time :

Image Size 780x585 2000x1000 4000x3000
Kernel time 4229e-4 1724e-3 1019e-2