
A challenge to create a simple shift cipher with TDD principles.

Primary LanguagePython

Shift Cipher Challenge


My challenge was to complete a shift cipher challenge that can encode and decode simple phrases. My code passes their test script, as well as some other important cases not included in their test script.

What is a shift cipher?

(This is from the challenge README)

Shift ciphers are also called Caesar ciphers as they were used by Julius Caesar to scramble his messages to military personnel, so that they were purposefully unintelligible to any unintended reader.

Using a shift cipher is a simple and well-known (albeit usually insecure!) encryption technique, and a suitable topic for the focus of our challenge. In a simple shift cipher, a given input phrase is shifted by a certain number of characters so that it is no longer legible.

For example, when using a shift of 1, the letter a would be shifted to b.


(This is from the challenge README)

When using a shift of 1 (default):

cipher = Cipher()

# Encode:
cipher.encode('foobar') # ---> 'gppcbs'

# Decode:
# We can simply reverse the shift
cipher.decode('gppcbs') # ---> 'foobar'

When using a shift of 10:

cipher = Cipher()

# Encode:
cipher.encode('foobar', 10) # ---> 'pyylkb'

# Decode:
cipher.decode('pyylkb', 10) # ---> 'foobar'

Our implementation of the shift cipher is a simple one:

  • For encoding, the input text should be shifted by n characters, with a default shift of 1
  • For decoding, encoded text should be shifted back and return the original input text.
  • When a shift causes a letter to pass the end of the alphabet, it should wrap to the beginning.

Example: z shifted by 1 should become a.

Explanation of my code

The simple_cipher.py script is what calculates the shift cipher.

At a high level, the script loops through the plaintext, and based on the character char on that iteration, whether it is encoding or decoding, and the shift_distance, performs a calculation to do the shift, and then appends the shifted character to a list. At the end of the loop, the join of the list is returned.

  • Because it stores the characters in a list before returning the join, the space complexity of the algorithm is O(N)

  • Because it loops through each char in plaintext, the time complexity of the algorithm is also O(N). The join() operation is also O(N), but since it is outside the loop, this makes the pipeline effectively still O(N).

The algorithm leverages the relationship between letter characters in unicode, and the circulatory of the shift rule through the use of modulo.

  • Lowercase letters (a through z) convert to 97 through 122 in unicode. For encoding, the algorithm chr((ord(char) + shift_distance - 97) % 26 + 97) takes the unicode value ord() of a given lowercase letter character char, adds the shift_distance, and subtracts 97, such that with a shift_distance of 0, the minimum value of lowercase letters would be 0, corresponding to a. The modulo 26 % gives us the division remainder, such that for char = a and shift_distance = 1, we would have:

    • 97 + 1 - 97 = 1
    • 1 % 26 = 1
    • 1 + 97 = 98 Which is then converted back to character chr() as chr(98) = b.
  • With a shift_distance of 0, this calculation is still performed, but this will only return the original character.

  • Because of this use of modulo, if the shift_distance would exceed the alphabet (e.g. z with shift_distance = 1), it will instead give us a remainder value less than or equal to 26, which in this example would be

    • 122 + 1 - 97 = 26
    • 26 % 26 = 0
    • 0 + 97 = 97
    • chr(97) = a
  • For uppercase letters (A through Z), the values range from 65 through 90, and the value prior to modulo is normalized by subtracting 65. However, after the modulo, 97 is added, returning a lowercase letter. In this case, even with a shift_distance of 0, a lowercase version of the letter will be returned.

  • encode and decode are effectively the inverse of each other. In encoding, the shift_distance is added, and in decoding, the shift_distance is subtracted, such that encoding with a negative shift_distance is the same as decoding with the absolute value of that shift_distance, and the reverse is also true.

In regards to running the code, the script can be read as follows:

  • Cipher is a class with the methods encode and decode, making it compatible with the provided test script simple_cipher_test.py.

The methods take two inputs, plaintext and shift_distance.

  • The first input is plaintext, the string to be encoded/decoded. If no inputs are provided, an exception will be raised. If plaintext is empty, contains any spaces, or any characters besides letters, this will also raise an exception.

  • shift_distance is the number of times to shift each character. It is an optional input, and defaults to 1. A shift_distance of 0 will run the calculation, but this will only change uppercase characters to lowercase, lowercase characters will not be changed.


(This is from the challenge README)

Fork this repository to your account and clone it, or download it as a zip and extract the files.


(This is from the challenge README)

  1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the challenge directory.
  2. Run pip install pytest.
  3. Run pytest simple_cipher_test.py to test the challenge.


(This is from the challenge README)

  • Ensure you have python installed (python -v)
  • Ensure you have pytest installed (pip install pytest)
  • Ensure you are in the challenge directory

About Us

(This is from the challenge README)

The Cyndx platform harnesses the power of semantic search which is driven by our proprietary predictive analytics engine. We make data smarter, so that it can work harder and more effective for you, which ultimately allow you to find the right investments or investors to satisfy your needs, every time.

Learn more: https://www.cyndx.com


(This is from the challenge README)

Simplified and adapted from the Exercism (https://exercism.io/) cipher exercise.