Onboarding - account opening API Service


Define an Entity

An Entity can be both a Corporate (moral person) and an Individual (physical person) listed in the following couterparties:

  • Lead: Basic form of an Entity.
  • Customer: When coupled with a KYC (and validated by IbanFirst).
  • Customer's Client: When coupled with a KYCC (and validated by IbanFirst)
  • Shareholder: When coupled with a KYCS (and validated by IbanFirst).
  • Users: When coupled with a KYCU (and validated by IbanFirst).
  • Supplier: When coupled with an Account.
  • Beneficiary: When coupled with an Account.

Define the KYC(s)

Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process identifying and verifying the identity of an Entity. Several level of KYC may be required depending on the type of relationship between IbanFirst and the Entity:

  • Know Your Customer (KYC): Standard Entity Identification Procedure for direct clients.
  • Know your Customers' Shareholder (KYCS): Specific Entity Identification Procedure for shareholders of IbanFirst's direct clients.
  • Know your Customers' Users (KYCU): Specific Entity Identification Procedure for users of IbanFirst's direct clients.
  • Know Your Customers' Counterparty (KYCC) : Third-party Customer Identification Procedure for indirect clients of licensed IbanFirst's direct clients.

Define an Account

An Account is identifying the bank details of an Entity thats can be an IbanFirst's Client or not.

  • IBAN account (IBAN): Standard Payment Account provided by IbanFirst for direct registered Customers or Customers' Clients.
  • Escrow IBAN account (EIBAN): Specific Escrow Account provided by IbanFirst for capital deposit purpose.
  • Liquidity account: TBD.
  • Counterparty account: external bank account referenced with IbanFirst (typically a Beneficiary of a payment).

Define the KYT

Know Your transaction (KYT) is the process permitting to spot potential risky transactions and unusual behaviour on an account.


Route Description
POST /entity/ Post a new entity
POST /entity/-{id}/kyc Add a KYC to an entity
POST /entity/-{id}/kyc/documentation/ Post a Documentation related to an entity
POST /entity/-{id}/kyc/organizationStructure/ Post an Organisation Structure related to an entity
POST /contact/ Post a new contact


Create an Entity

Method: POST 
URL: /entity/

Create a new entity.


Field Type Required Description
registeredParentNumber String(100) Optional The unique legal identifier of the entity's parent registered company.
registeredNumber String(100) Required The unique legal identifier of the entity opening the account.
registeredName String(100) Required The legal name of the entity.
commercialName String(100) Optional The commercial name of the entity.
tag String(100) Optional The customized name of the entity.
address Address Object Required The entity address.
phoneNumber phone Object Optional The phone number of the entity.
email email Object Optional The email address of the entity.
primaryUrl email Object Optional The email address of the entity.

Add KYC informations to an Entity

Method: POST 
URL: /entity/-{id}/kyc/details

Add KYC informations to an Entity.


Field Type Required Description
activityCode NAF Required The code identifying the type of business.
registrationDate Date Required The legal date of creation of the entity.
legalForm legalForm Required The legal form of the entity.
authorizedCapital amount Object Required The amount in shareholding capital.

Add KYC documentation to an Entity

Method: POST 
URL: /entity/-{id}/kyc/documentation

Add KYC documentation to an Entity.


Field Type Required Description
proofOfIncorporation page Required The code identifying the type of business.
registrationDate Date Required The legal date of creation of the entity.
legalForm legalForm Required The legal form of the entity.
authorizedCapital amount Object Required The amount in shareholding capital.

Add KYC Organization Structure to an Entity

Method: POST 
URL: /entity/-{id}/kyc/organisationStructure

This structure describes an organisation structure.


Field Type Required Description
entities Array[entities] Optional List of the entities that own more than 10% of the entity we want to create.
contacts Array[contacts] Optional List of the contacts that own more than 10% of the entity we want to create.

API Objects


Entity Object

What we call an Entity can be only an company incorporated in France or Belgium. When an entity is specified as part of a JSON body, it is encoded as an object with the following fields:

Object resources:

Field Type Description
id ID The IF code identifying the entity.
registeredParentNumber String(100) The unique legal identifier of the entity mother house.
registeredNumber String(100) The unique legal identifier of the entity opening the account.
registeredName String(100) The legal name of the entity.
commercialName String(100) The commercial name of the entity.
tag String(100) The customized name of the entity.
address Address Object The entity address.
activityCode NAFID The code identifying the type of business.
registrationDate Date The legal date of creation of the entity.
legalForm legalForm The legal form of the entity.
authorizedCapital amount Object The amount in shareholding capital.
phoneNumber phone Object The phone number of the entity.


"entity": {
    "id": "ND4ue2",
    "registeredParentNumber": "	814455614",
    "registeredNumber": "81445561400010",
    "registeredName": "DJPAD",
    "commercialName": "null",
    "address": {address},
    "legalForm":"SARL unipersonnelle",

Contact Object

What we call a contact can be only an individual registered in France or Belgium. When an entity is specified as part of a JSON body, it is encoded as an object with the following fields:

Object resources:

Field Type Description
id ID The IF code identifying the contact.
registeredNumber String(100) The unique legal identifier of the contact.
registeredNCountry String(100) The registering country of the contact.
registeredName Individual_Name Object The individual name of the contact.
tag String(100) The customized name of the contact.
address Address Object The contact address.
birthDate Date The birthdate of the contact.
phoneNumber phone Object The phone number of the entity.
position position Object The position of the entity.
idProof idProof Object The url where the file is stored.
addressProof addressProof Object The url where the file is stored.


"contact": {
    "id": "ND4ue2",
    "registeredNumber": "81445561400010",
    "registeredName": {individual_name},
    "address": {address},

Account Object

When an Account is specified as part of a JSON body, it is encoded as an object with the following fields:

Object resources:

Field Type Description
id ID The code identifying the account.
currency Currency The three-digit code specifying the currency of the account.
tag String(50) Custom reference of the account.
accountNumber String(40) The code specifying the account (can be either an Iban or an account number).
correspondentBank ID The intermediary bank details, used to reach the beneficiary bank.
holderBank ID The recipient bank details, holding the account.
holder Entity Object The recipient details, owner of the account.


"account": {
    "id": "NT4edA",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "tag": "My wallet account EUR",
    "accountNumber": "516981638516313513",

Address Object

When an address is specified as part of a JSON body, it is encoded as an object with the following fields:

Object resources:

Field Type Description
street1 String(255) The street for the address described.
street2 String(255) The continuation street for the address described.
postCode String(15) The ZIP/Post code for the address described.
city String(35) The city for the address described.
state String(2) The state code for the address described. This field could be required if the country use a state system, like United States or Canada. To see a full list of state code, please refer to this site.
country String(2) The two-letters abbreviation for the country, following the ISO-3166 for the address described.


"address": {
	"street": "4 NEW YORK PLAZA, FLOOR 15",
	"postCode": "10004",
	"city": "NEW YORK",
	"state": "NY",
	"country": "US"

Phone Object

When a phone number is specified as part of a JSON body, it is encoded as an object with the following fields:

Object resources:

Field Type Description
countryCode String(4) Numeric country code. Optional +, followed by 1-3 digits.
phoneNumber String(15) Country code and phone number.


"phone": {
    "countryCode": "+33",
    "phoneNumber": "81445561400010",

Individual Name Object

When a phone number is specified as part of a JSON body, it is encoded as an object with the following fields:

Object resources:

Field Type Description
first String(35) The individual's first name. Truncated after the first 35 characters.
first String(35) The individual's middle name. Truncated after the first 35 characters.
last String(35) The individual's last name. Truncated after the first 35 characters.


"phone": {
    "first": "John",
    "last": "Doe",

Amount Object

When an amount of currency is specified as part of a JSON body, it is encoded as an object with the following fields:

Object resources:

Field Type Description
value QuotedDecimal The quantity of the currency.
currency Currency The three-digit code specifying the currency related to the amount.


"amount": {
	"value": "10000.00",
	"currency": "GBP"

Formatting Conventions

Date Type

The Date type represents a date with its year, month and day.

Type Real type format description example
Date String ^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}$ - YYYY-MM-DD A String representing a date by its year, month and day in month. 2015-07-14