
API strict type definition creator

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


API strict type definition creator. This library is aimed to allow you to define API with strict types using TypeScript.

First you need API Builder

import {Apira} from "@langion/apira";
export const api = new Apira();

After that you need to define method that makes request. There is an abstract class Resolver from @langion/apira and you need to extend it and set resolver to api. The request method is used to perform every request.

export class ServiceRequest extends Resolver<void> {
    protected basePath = "http://localhost:8090";

    protected request: <Response, Query, Payload, Params>(data: RequestData<Query, Payload, Params, void>) => Promise<Response> = (data) => {
        const request = fetch(data.url, {
            method: data.method,
            body: JSON.stringify(data.request.payload),
            headers: {
                "Accept": "application/json",
                "Content-Type": "application/json",

        const result = request.then((v) => v.json()).catch((e) => console.log(e));

        return result.then((v) => {
            return v;

And now you need to assign resolver to api.

import { Apira } from  "@langion/apira";
Apira.setResolver(new ServiceRequest(), api);

Define API

There are two types of definitions: Without params in path:

export const getAllData = api.path(Url)
    .request<ResponseType, QueryType, PayloadType>(RequestMethod)

For example:

interface Data {
  state: string;
  permissions: number[];

interface Filter {
  search: string;
  status: string

export const getAllData = api.path('/api/data')
    .request<Data, Filter, void>('get')

With params in path:

export const getUser = api.path((p: ParamsType) => Url)
    .request<ResponseType, QueryType, PayloadType>(RequestMethod)

For example:

interface User {
    name: string;
    lastName: string;

interface Params {
    id: number;

export const getUser = api
    .path((p: Params) => `/api/user/${p.id}`)
    .request<User, void, void>('get')

When you defined API methods you can call this methods:

getAllData({ payload: null, query: { search: 'last', status: 'done' } }).then(r => {

getUser({ params: { id: 23 }, query: null, payload: null }).then(r => {