
RESTful interface for the Google Analytics Measurment Protocol. In Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Google Analytics - Swift

RESTful interface for the Google Analytics Measurment Protocol. In Swift.


Last night two things happened: my girlfriend made last minute dinner plans and I reached a new level of frustration with the analytics provider I integrated with for my recently released Cocoa app (there is no official Google Analytics SDK for macOS).

Anyway, long story short, instead of going to bed early I made this wrapper for the Google Measurement API.


You can theoretically use this in your macOS, tvOS or iOS apps, or anywhere that runs Swift. I haven’t tested it everywhere though, so feel free to submit PRs.

This entire codebase is a single file, so I don’t see the need to add it to Cocoapods etc. Drop the file into your XCode project, use a git submodule... it’s up to you to decide what’s best.


Set up the tracker with default values for every request:

GAMeasurement.setup(with: .init(user: .user(ID: "test"), trackingId: "UA-123456789-1"))

// If you want events/error to be logged to the console
GAMeasurement.log = { print($0) }

Then, start tracking as needed:

GAMeasurement.track(.event(category: "App", action: "Launch", label: nil, value: nil))

GAMeasurement.track(.screen(name: "Test Screen"))

GAMeasurement.track(.exception(description: "Error!"))

It’s as strongly typed as possible, so everything should be fairly self explanatory.
