“When Lambo?” (as a service)

Given a cryptocurrency code and the amount of it you are holding, returns whether you can buy a Lamborghini or not.

Try a live demo


The API has a single endpoint requiring two query parameters:


Response model:

    "when_lambo": String // "not yet" or "now"


$ curl -i "when-lambo.herokuapp.com/api?coin=BTC&amount=0.5"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Etag: 8d988e0ffcfd1c5639d80e5f0b7b8dfb
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 24

{"when_lambo":"not yet"}

Entity Tagging

To reduce load on your client, you can use the ETag header from the response above in an If-None-Match header in your request to get a 304 Not Modified when the response entity hasn’t changed for the given request.

$ curl -i -H "If-None-Match: 4caf48a872d2ab065eff31edbf74c5fe" "when-lambo.herokuapp.com/api?coin=DENT&amount=40000"
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Content-Length: 0


Invalid requests will return an ‘application/problem+json entity:

$ curl "when-lambo.herokuapp.com/api?coin=nonexistantCoin&amount=1" -i
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/problem+json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 55

{"error":"unable to retrieve price of NONEXISTANTCOIN"}

How much is a Lamborghini anyway?

I wasn’t sure so I asked Wolfram|Alpha. The API uses the constant USD $296,100 for calculations.


I accidentally came across this challenge - and who can say no to a good challenge? Also I have very little NodeJS experience so it was a good learning opportunity.
