
WebGL 3D library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

tribus f (genitive tribūs); fourth declension

From the stem of trēs (“three”) + an element from Proto-Indo-European *bʰew- (“to grow, become, come into being, appear”)

  1. One of the three original tribes of Rome: Ramnes, Tities, Luceres.
  2. A division of the Roman people.
  3. A tribe.
  4. The mob, the lower classes.

A WebGL 3D library, built in pure ES6 on top of Babel.

Should work in most web browsers that support WebGL. (Experimental IE11/Edge support)

Demos: Bunny, Windmill


Scene graph

  • Group, model, light and camera nodes.
  • Batched recomputations through dirty checking.
  • Frustum culling using plane coherency and plane masking in an AABB hierarchy.
  • Bitfield-based graph diffing.

Dynamic lighting

  • Point lights, spot lights and directional lights.


  • Phong shading material built-in, with multitexturing and automatic texture atlas creation.
  • Custom materials can be made for custom shaders.
  • The renderer's model drawing order minimizes shader program switches.

File formats

  • Import external geometry .obj files with automatic computation of missing vertex normals.
  • Import 2D textures or cube maps in any browser native image format + TGA.

Parallel processing

  • Heavy tasks are run in parallel, off the main thread.
  • Uses pooled WebWorkers and transferred ArrayBuffers for minimal overhead.


npm install tribus --save



import domready from 'domready';
import { Renderer, Group, Model, Geometry, PhongMaterial, PerspectiveCamera, PointLight } from 'tribus';

const geometry = Geometry.fromFile('bunny.obj');
const material = new PhongMaterial({
    diffuse: 0x808080,
    specular: 0x0000ff

const bunny = new Model('bunny', { position: [0, 0, 0], rotateY: 45, rotateX: 15 }, geometry, material);
const camera = new PerspectiveCamera({ position: [0, 0, 2] });
const light = new PointLight({ position: [0, 2, 2], color: 0x00ffff });
const scene = new Group('world', {}, [camera, bunny, light]);

const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');

domready(() => {

    const renderer = new Renderer(scene, camera, canvas, { showFPS: true });

    renderer.on('tick', dt => {
        bunny.rotateY(dt * 45 / 1000);



var domready = require('domready');
var Tribus = require('tribus')

var geometry = Tribus.Geometry.fromFile('bunny.obj');
var material = new Tribus.PhongMaterial({
    diffuse: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
    specular: [0, 0, 1]

var bunny = new Tribus.Model('bunny', { position: [0, 0, 0], rotateY: 45, rotateX: 15 }, geometry, material);
var camera = new Tribus.PerspectiveCamera({ position: [0, 0, 2] });
var light = new Tribus.PointLight({ position: [0, 2, 2], color: [0, 1, 1] });
var scene = new Tribus.Group('world', {}, [camera, bunny, light]);

var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');

domready(function () {
    var renderer = new Tribus.Renderer(scene, camera, canvas);
    renderer.on('tick', function (dt) {
        bunny.rotateY(dt * 45 / 1000);