
A collaborative Jukebox built with Node.js and React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Spotistic's Jukebox

A music player with a web interface for our Office. Runs on a Raspberry Pi plugged to the speakers. It allows everyone to add Soundcloud or YouTube URLs to the tracklist.

The backend is running on top of Node.js and Redis. The frontend uses AngularJS, Font Awesome, AngularStrap and a custom Bootstrap theme from Bootswatch. Real-time updates with Socket.io.


This projects requires nodejs/npm and redis to be installed.

You also need to have the alsa.h header, ffmpeg + codecs and alsamixer. On Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-53 alsa alsa-tools

/!\ In the recent versions of Ubuntu, ffmpeg has been replaced by a forked (avconv). apt-get can tell you to install libav-tools but that's not a good idea. avconv contains a few breaking changed (in the syntax for instance). You should use the official PPA repository which provides ffmpeg instead:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Also make sure your user belongs to the audio group:

sudo adduser $(whoami) audio

Clone and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/maxdec/jukebox
cd jukebox
npm install


Launch the app:

node server.js

Then open your browser at http://localhost:3000.


  • Collaborative music track list (Soundcloud/YouTube)
  • Voting feature to skip the current track
  • Pause and resume streaming
  • History of played tracks
  • Mobile friendly


Main view:




On mobile:


Known issues

Currently resuming the playback is not possible on YouTube (cf. this issue). Ideas are welcome.

What's next?

  • Volume adjustement
  • Better voting system
  • Tracks rating? Votes in the tracklist?
  • Other platforms?
  • Text-to-Speech useful info from time to time (weather?)