
And infinite scroll list implementation in Flutter with data from REST API.

Primary LanguageDart


The app name is Typicode Photos because it consumes and renders photos from https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos

Built with Flutter applying SOLID and Clean Architecture.
Used packages: bloc, hive, retrofit, rxdart, flutter_hooks, connectivity_plus, freezed, dartz, and others.

Technical requirements.

App extra feature using connectivity_plus
With the connectivity_plus plugin help app tries to load automatically for the next chunk of the data if we had an error and detected the network availability.

The app supports states

  • when nothing been loaded, and we are trying to load showing progress
  • when nothing been loaded, and we got some network with the message and retry button
  • when we have some data loaded, and we are trying to load more automatically showing progress in the very end of the list view
  • when we have some data loaded, and we got some network error with the message and retry button in the very end of the list view
  • when we have data loaded and reached the end with showing an appropriate message in the very end of the list view

PS: I tried to use the latest infinite_scroll_pagination v3.1.0 package (actual on Mar 6, 2022), but unfortunately, it had one blocking issue amongst others for completing the assignment. Therefore, I decide to implement an appropriate functional by myself.

Best regards,
Max Shemetov

March, 2022