
Go Report Card GoDoc

Program that performs a wikiracing.


go get -u


# go in $GOPATH/src/ directory
go build


./wikirace -start [TITLE TO START] -end [TITLE TO REACH]

What the code does?

  1. Generate a Search object that describe a page to search in from the command line args.
  2. Create the different parts to make the program work:
    • An object that keep informations about the jobs (current and processed)
    • A queue to store the Search objects to process.
    • A thread pool that launch search job in paralel.
    • A result handler that analyses job results.
  3. Put the Search object into the queue.
  4. Searchs are dequeued and processed in a threadpool.
  5. For each Search Object dequeued:
    • Page download
    • Page parsing
    • Each link found generate a new Search object which is sent to the result handler.
  6. Result handler listen for new Search objects. Then Decides to validate a Search object or to put it in the queue for more searching.