- 7
- 1
Autowhisper & Send whisper from BULK
#28 opened by maxensas - 1
Full Source Code
#27 opened by Meigs2 - 1
- 0
Windows resolution scaling
#25 opened by maxensas - 1
ERROR : Code 400 (Bad Request).
#24 opened by cufton - 3
- 1
- 2
Suggestion : Add /guild chat command
#21 opened by vertex101 - 5
- 1
3.15 Expedition : Fetching Data error
#18 opened by maxensas - 1
Extract new version doesnt work
#20 opened by maxensas - 2
- 2
Consider releasing files in zip instead of rar
#14 opened by SnosMe - 2
- 3
- 5
"Search percent value" results to invalid searches
#11 opened by tgntr - 1
Source Code.
#3 opened by LostPoE - 1
Virus Flag
#1 opened by dralik - 1
Windows defender detect Xiletrade as trojan
#2 opened by maxensas - 4
Not recognized mod
#4 opened by SnosMe - 1
Auto whisper from browser
#5 opened by maxensas - 1
Unexpected program crash while pricing item
#6 opened by maxensas - 1
- 1
- 3
Whisper message duplicate Xiletrade info
#9 opened by maxensas - 3
Program won't stay running
#10 opened by Dalps1215 - 3
- 1
Fetching data ERROR
#13 opened by maxensas