
Simple perlin noise based terrain generator for Unity 3D.

Primary LanguageC#

Unity3D Terrain Generator

Simple perlin noise based terrain generator for Unity 3D.

This project is intended to be a starting point for procedural Unity 3D terrain generation. It uses some standard Unity 2019.3 assets and should work out of the box but no promises.

Get Started - Download the Project

First step is to add the download the project to your computer

cd /path/to/your/unity/projects/
git clone git@github.com:mw-felker/terrain-generator-unity3d.git YourFolderName

This will create a YourFolderName/ folder containing the whole project.

Open Project in Unity

Open up the latest version of Unity 3D and load the Assets/TerrainGenerator/MainScene scene. Press play and you should see the terrain generator if you did everything correctly.

Fork me, patch me, make me better!

This code was originally proof-of-concept code I cobbled together from a tutorial or gist (?) in 2016. I have yet to find the original source which is built ontop of LibNoise.Unity. If you or someone you know recognizes the source, please let me know so I can provide credit. *unsolved mysteries theme intensified*
