
An javascript implementation by MW Felker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Conway's Game of Life

An javascript implementation by MW Felker

Getting started

The app runs locally witha a little bit of help from python's http server to support es6 javascript modules. Get it running like so:

git clone git@github.com:mw-felker/the-game-of-life.git .
cd the-game-of-life/
python3 -m http.server 8000

This will server the app at http://localhost:8000

Rules of the game

Rule from Conway at @1:10 Does John Conway hate his Game of Life? - Numberphile

Each cell has 8 distinct neighbors
A neighbor is an adjacent cell  
If the cell has four or more neighbors, they die
If the cell has zero or one neighbor, they die
If a cell is dead and has exactly three alive neighbors, the cell is born
