
Print-friendly keyboard shortcuts for all your favorite Mac apps

Primary LanguageCSS


Printer-friendly keyboard shortcuts for all your favorite Mac apps

Submitting Shortcuts for an App

  1. Create an .md file Follow the format below for the front matter.
  • The layout must be shortcuts and the category must be one of: communication, design, development, music, productivity, social, utilities.

  • The data-file should be the same name at the .md file.

  • The sections can be whatever you want, but should also be referenced in the data file.

layout: shortcuts
app-name: 1Password
category: utilities
data-file: 1password
  - Hotkeys
  - General
  - 1Password Mini
  1. Create a .yml data file. This file will contain all the sections and shortcuts referenced in the markdown file.

Here’s an example:

name: 1Password

  - hotkeys
  - general
  - 1password mini

  - shortcut: ⌘ \
    desc: Fill Logins into Web Browser

  - shortcut: ⌥ ⌘ \
    desc: Show 1Password Mini

  - shortcut: ⌃ ⌥ ⌘ L
    desc: Lock 1Password

  - shortcut: ⌘ ,
    desc: Open Preferences

  - shortcut: ⌘ {
    desc: Previous Category
  1. Submit a pull request with your app!