
ApMon is an API that can be used by any application to send monitoring information to MonALISA services

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

                  ApMon - Application Monitoring API for Python
                                 version 2.17.02
                                  August 2009
                     California Institute of Technology


ApMon is an API that can be used by any application to send monitoring
information to MonALISA services (http://monalisa.cacr.caltech.edu). The
monitoring data is sent as UDP datagrams to one or more hosts running MonALISA.
The MonALISA host may require a password enclosed in each datagram, for
authentication purposes. ApMon can also send datagrams that contain monitoring
information regarding the system or the application.


ApMon 2.x was extended with xApMon, a feature that allows it to send to the
MonALISA service datagrams with monitoring information regarding the system and
the application. This extension can be used completely on Linux systems and
partially on Windows systems.

In 2.2.0 protocol (requires ML Service >= 2.4.10), each UDP packet includes 2 new
INT32 fields to identify the sender and the sequence number. This will enable ML
Service to detect lost packets, if it is configured to do so. (See the two new 
fields: instance_id and sequence_number).


The ApMon archive contains the following files in the ApMon module:
   - apmon.py - main ApMon module. It can be instantiated by users to send data.
   - ProcInfo.py - procedures to monitor the system and a given application.
   - README - this file.
   - example/*.py - a set of examples with the usage of the ApMon module.
   - example/*.conf - a set of sample destination files, for url/file configuration.
   - ApMon_doc/*.html - HTML documentation


The ApMon.pm modules defines the ApMon class that has to be instantiated in one of the
following ways:

  - passing as parameter a destination location URL/file. This should be a string that
    represents either a filename, or an url address (if it starts with http://). ApMon
    class will start a second thread that will verify periodically this destination
    location for any changes. This verification is done in a sepparate thread
    because there could be long waiting times for the downloading and the
    resolving of the destination hosts for the udp datagrams. This way, ApMon sendParam*
    functions will not block. You can also pass an array of file/url strings.

  - passing as parameter a tuple, containg as elements directly the destinations
    (host[:port][ pass]). ApMon will send datagrams to all valid given destinations (i.e.
    hosts that can be resolved), with default options. 

  - passing as parameter to the constructor a hash. In this case, the keys
    will be destinations and the corresponding values will be references to another hash
    in which the key is a configuration option and the value is the value of that option.
    Note that in this case, the options should not be preceded by xApMon_ and options
    should be True/False instead of on/off as in the configuration file.

  For a practical example, please see the examples/*.py test scripts.

The Python ApMon constructor supports a second optional parameter: the default log level.
This way, if you don't want de default output from ApMon when you create the instance, you 
can do something like:
	apm = apmon.ApMon(apmonUrl, apmon.Logger.WARNING)

  The datagram sent to the MonaLisa module has the following structure:
  - a header which has the following syntax:

      (the password is sent in plaintext; if the MonALISA host does not require
      a password, an 0-length string should be sent instead of the password).

  - instance_id ((int) from v2.2.0)
  - sequence_nr ((int) from v2.2.0) - these two are used to identify the ApMon sender
  - cluster name (string) - the name of the monitored cluster
  - node name (string) - the name of the monitored nodes
  - number of parameters (int)
  - for each parameter:
        - name (string),
        - value type (int),
        - value (can be double, int or string)
  - optionally a time (int) if the user wants to send a result specifying the time himself.

  The configuration file has the following format:

# list of destination MonALISA services, one on each line:
IP_address|DNS_name[:port][ password]

# list of xApMon_... settings, one on each line:
xApMon_option = on/off/value

  For an example see the examples/*.conf files.

  If the port is not specified, the default value 8884 will be assumed.
If the password is not specified, an empty string will be sent as password
to the MonALISA host (and the host will only accept the datagram if it does not
require a password). The configuration file may contain blank lines and
comment lines (starting with "#"); these lines are ignored, and so are the
leading and the trailing white spaces from the other lines.

  To send user parameters to MonALISA, you have the following set of functions:

  - sendParameters ( clusterName, nodeName, params);

Use this to send a set of parameters to all given destinations.
The default cluster an node names will be updated with the values given here.
If afterwards you want to send more parameters, you can use the shorter version
of this function, sendParams. The parameters to be sent can be eiter a list, or
a hash. If list, it should have an even length and should contain pairs like 
(paramName, paramValue). paramValue can be a string, an integer or a float. 

  - sendParams (params);

Use this to send a set of parameters without specifying a cluster and a node name.
In this case, the default values for cluster and node name will be used. See the
sendParameters function for more details.

  - sendTimedParameters (clusterName, nodeName, time, params);

Use this instead of sendParameters to set the time for each packet that is sent.
The time is in seconds from Epoch. If you use the other function, the time for these
parameters will be sent by the MonALISA serice that receives them. Note that it is
recommended to use the other version unless you really need to send the parameters
with a different time, since the local time on the machine might not be synchronized
to a time server. The MonALISA service sets the correct real time for the packets
that it receives.

   Please see the examples/*.py files for examples of using these functions.

  To monitor jobs, you have to specify the PID of the parent process for the tree of
processes that you want to monitor, the working directory, the cluster and the
node names. If work directory is "", no information will be retrieved about disk:
  - addJobToMonitor (pid, workDir, clusterName, nodeName);

  To stop monitoring a job, just call:
  - removeJobToMonitor (pid);

  If you want to disable temporarily sending of background monitoring information, and
to enable it afterwards, you can use:
  - enableBgMonitoring (bool)

To force sending monitoring information with background monitoring disabled,
you can use the following two function:
  - sendBgMonitoring ();

To reinitialize the ApMon object after initialization, you can use the following function. This
receives the same parameter constructor (internally the constructor also uses it).
  - setDestinations (initValue)

To check that the given configuration could be read and yielded some valid destinations, you
can use the following function. This way you can decide to give a default destination in case
the url-based configuration has failed.
  - initializedOK ()

  To change the log-level of the ApMon module, you can either set it in the configuration file
or use the following function:
  - setLogLevel(level);
with the following valid log-levels: "DEBUG", "NOTICE", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL"

  To set the maximum number of messages that can be sent, per second, use:
  - setMaxMsgRate(self, rate);
This limitation was introduced to limit the number of messages that are sent by ApMon, and
thus, avoid flooding the network with unnecessary messages if users don't use it properly.
(A classic example is doing sendParams in a loop, without any sleep in between.)

  To stop background threands, close opened sockets, use:
  - free(self):
You have to use this function if you want to free all the resources that ApMon takes, and 
allow it to be garbage-collected. You MUST use this function if you plan to create ApMon
repeatedly inside your program.

From version 2.2.0 a new mecanism was added to detect lost packets (see the two new fields:
instance_id and sequence_number). However, if you use free, and then recreate the ApMon instance,
these numbers will be also reinitialized and the new ApMon instance will be considered as
another, completly different sender. Thus, the usage of free is not encouraged.

  The maximum size of a datagram is specified by the constant MAX_DGRAM_SIZE;
by default it is 8192B and the user should not modify this value as some hosts
may not support UDP datagrams larger than 8KB.


ApMon can be configured to send to the MonALISA service monitoring information
about the application or about the system. This information is obtained
from the proc/ file system.

There are three categories of monitoring datagrams that ApMon can send:

a) job monitoring information - contains the following parameters:
    run_time        - elapsed time from the start of this job
    cpu_time        - processor time spent running this job
    cpu_usage       - percent of the processor used for this job, as reported by ps
    virtualmem      - virtual memory occupied by the job
    rss             - resident image size of the job
    mem_usage       - percent of the memory occupied by the job, as reported by ps
    workdir_size    - size in MB of the working directory of the job
    disk_total      - size in MB of the total size of the disk partition containing the working directory
    disk_used       - size in MB of the used disk partition containing the working directory
    disk_free       - size in MB of the free disk partition containing the working directory
    disk_usage      - percent of the used disk partition containing the working directory
    open_files      - the number of open files (including sockets)

  To enable job monitoring put in the destination file the following lines:
    xApMon_job_monitoring = on
    xApMon_job_interval = 20
  To disable sending of the virtualmem parameter, put in the destination file:
    xApMon_job_virtualmem = off

b) system monitoring information - contains the following parameters:
    cpu_usr             - cpu-usage information
    load1               - system load information
    mem_used            - memory usage information
    mem_actualfree	- actually free amount of memory: free + cached + buffers
    swap_used           - swap usage information
    net_in              - network transfer in kBps
    net_out             - these will produce params called ethX_in, ethX_out, ethX_errs
    net_errs            - for each eth interface
    net_sockets         - number of opened sockets for each proto => sockets_tcp/udp/unix ...
    net_tcp_details     - number of tcp sockets in each state => sockets_tcp_LISTEN, ...
    processes		- number of processes currently running on the machine
    uptime		- uptime of the machine, in days

  To enable system monitoring, put in the destination file:
    xApMon_sys_monitoring = on
    xApMon_sys_interval = 30
  To enable sending of mem_free and disable sending of processes parameters:
    xApMon_sys_mem_free = on
    xApMon_sys_processes = off

c) general system information - contains the following parameters:
    ip                  - will produce ethX_ip params for each interface
    no_CPUs             - number of CPUs
    cpu_vendor_id        - the CPU's vendor ID
    bogomips             - number of bogomips for the CPU
    os_type              - RedHat, Slackware, SuSE etc.
  To enable general system information, put in the destination file
    xApMon_general_info = on
  To disable sending the number of CPUs, put in the configuration file:
    xApMon_no_CPUs = off

To set a different log-level, you can put the following line in the configuration file:
    xApMon_loglevel = WARNING
The valid log-levels are: "DEBUG", "NOTICE", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL".

The datagrams with general system information are only sent if system
monitoring is enabled, at greater time intervals (one datagram with general
system information for each 2 system monitoring datagrams).


For bug reports, suggestions and comments please write to: