
Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NetStorageKit (for .NET/c#)

This library assists in the interaction with Akamai's NetStorage CMS API. The CMS API Spec can be found at: https://control.akamai.com/dl/customers/NS/NS_http_api_OS.pdf

Project organization

  • /NetStorage - core NetStorage project
  • /NetStorageTest - MSTest unit tests
  • /NetStorageExample - example CMS.exe implementation
  • /NetStorageKit.sln - root VisualStudio solution


  • Open the NetStorageKit.sln in Visual Studio; Rebuild All
  • OR MSBuild.exe NetStorageKit.sln /t:rebuild
  • Copy the Akamai.Netstorage.dll to your application or solution. (/NetStorage/obj/Debug/Akamai.Netstorage.dll or /NetStorage/obj/Release/Akamai.Netstorage.dll)

Getting Started

  • Create an instance of the NetStorage object by passing in the host, username and key
  • Issue a command to NetStorage by calling the appropriate method from the NetStorage object

For example, to delete a file:

using Akamai.NetStorage;

NetStorage ns = new NetStorage("example.akamaihd.net", "user1", "1234abcd");

Other methods return a Stream. For example, to retrieve a directory listing:

using Akamai.NetStorage;
NetStorage ns = new NetStorage("example.akamaihd.net", "user1", "1234abcd");

try (Stream result = ns.Dir("/1234")) {
 // TODO: consume Stream

Finally, when uploading a FileInfo object can be sent or an open InputStream wll be used

using Akamai.NetStorage;

NetStorage ns = new NetStorage("example.akamaihd.net", "user1", "1234abcd");
try (bool success = ns.Upload("/1234/example.zip", new FileInfo("../workingdir/srcfile.zip"))) {
 // TODO: log support

Sample application (CMS)

  • A sample application has been created that can take command line parameters.

CMS.exe -a dir -u user1 -k 1234abcd example.akamaihd.net/1234