The goal of this project is to transform the data from the Orleans Parish Assessor's Office website into formats that are better suited for data analysis.
development environment setup
You must have Python 3 installed. You can download it here.
virtual environment
first setup a pythonpython3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
install the dependencies withpip install -r requirements.txt
Getting started
If you want to explore how to extract data using scrapy, use the scrapy shell to interactively work with the response.
For example,
scrapy shell
owner = response.xpath('//td[@class="owner_value"]/text()')[0]
next_page = response.xpath('//td[@class="header_link"]/a/@href').extract_first()
Running the spider
Running the spider from the command line will crawl the assessors website and output the data to a destination of your choice.
By default, the spider will output data to elasticsearch, which is configured
in scraper/
. You can use a hosted elasticsearch instance or run one locally using
To run the spider,
scrapy runspider scraper/spiders/
Warning: this will take a long time to can kill the process with ctrl+c
To run the spider and output to a csv
scrapy runspider scraper/spiders/ -o output.csv