
Some matlab scripts that got me fired up

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is a series of matlab and python scripts that I wrote during different parts of my undergrad. Each of these scripts were either assigned as a homework problem or written to confirm computational questions. Python 3.6 and Matlab > 2015. The only python dependency is numpy.


The scripts in this repository are,

  • stoch_control_algorithms.py
    • Value iteration, policy iteration and Q learning
  • QuantizerLloydMax.m
    • Lloyd max training set version algorithm w/ MSE distortion
  • Berstein.m
    • An implementation of the Berstien approximation
  • GramS.m
    • Conduct Gram-Schmidt process
  • PhaseP.m
    • Plot phase portrait for ODE

Here is a screen recording of `Bernstein.m`.