Event-driven pod-gateway client provisioner

Disclaimer: this is a proof of concept.

This service provisions pods for which traffic needs to be routed through a pod-gateway.

The provisioning is event-driven using CloudEvents.

The event must be of type io.podgateway.client.pending and its content must specify the fields:

  • gateway_name (string)

The value must reference a valid pod-gateway's setGateway label/annotation value, as configured in its gateway-admission-controller.

More on the admission controller configuration here.

                            │                   │
                            │  gtw mutating     │
                            │  admission        │
                                  │ │ │    │ │ │
                                ┌─▼─┴─┴──┐ │ │ │   ┌────────────┐
                                │client  │ │ │ │   │            │
                           ┌───►│        │ ▼ │ │   │ gateway    │
┌──────┐                   │    │gtw=foo ├───┴─┴───┤ foo        │
│      │                   │    │        │ tunnel  │            ├────►
│events│  ┌────────────┐   │    └───┬─┬──┘   │ │   │            │
│      │  │            │   │        │ │      │ │   │            │
│      │  │ provisioner├───┘    ┌───▼─┴──┐   │ │   └────────────┘
│      ├─►│            │        │client  │   │ │
│      │  │            ├───────►│        │   ▼ │   ┌────────────┐
│      │  │            │        │gtw=bar ├─────┴───┤            │
│      │  │            ├───┐    │        │ tunnel  │ gateway    │
│      │  │            │   │    └─────┬──┘     │   │ bar        ├────►
│      │  └────────────┘   │          │        │   │            │
│      │                   │    ┌─────▼──┐     ▼   │            │
└──────┘                   │    │client  ├─────────┤            │
                           └───►│        │ tunnel  └────────────┘
                                │gtw=bar │
                                │        │


cloudevents-podgateway-client-provisioner [--client-namespace=<client namespace>] [--client-command=<command>] [--client-image=<client container image>]


As the only supported event spec is CloudEvents, a quickstart setup can be configured with Knative.

All of that will run in a local Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy a KinD cluster with Knative Eventing and Service components locally:

kn quickstart kind

Deploy pod-gateways (e.g. named foo and bar):

helm upgrade --install -n gateway-system --create-namespace pod-gateway-foo angelnu/pod-gateway -f $deploydir/pod-gateway-foo-values.yaml --version 6.1.0
helm upgrade --install -n gateway-system --create-namespace pod-gateway-bar angelnu/pod-gateway -f $deploydir/pod-gateway-bar-values.yaml --version 6.1.0

Deploy a Knative Broker for the CloudEvents:

kubectl apply -f deploy/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/broker.yaml

Deploy the provisioner as a Knative Service:

kubectl apply -f deploy/rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/service.yaml

(optional) Deploy a CloudEvents dashboard:

kubectl apply -f deploy/cloudevents-player.yaml

and open the browser at http://cloudevents-player.client-system.

You can now send events of Type io.podgateway.client.pending, and specify the gateway for the client in a field gateway_name. The value must reference an installed pod-gateway.

Specifically, the value must match the pod-gateway admission controller's setGatewayLabelValue/setGatewayAnnotationValue flag.

For example:

  • ID: generated
  • Type: io.podgateway.client.pending
  • Source: mySource
  • SpecVersion: 1.0
  • Message:
     "gateway_name": "foo"

The event will trigger (see here) the provisioner Service that will create the client pod.

Finally, the provisioner will notify the success or failure of that operation, with a io.podgateway.client.scheduling.done or io.podgateway.client.scheduling.failed event.

On success, The io.podgateway.client.scheduling.done event will contain Data of the client Pod just created, such as:

  • pod_name
  • namespace

On failure, The io.podgateway.client.scheduling.failed event will contain the related error message.



make build

Publish the OCI image to a local registry

make publish/local