applySkin to running animation
gholias opened this issue · 2 comments
hi, I'm trying to run a very simple test: Change the skin of a running animation with a touch in the screen.
This is my code:
var character: Skeleton!
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
character = Skeleton(fromJSON: "zombie", atlas: "Zombie", skin: "zombie1")
if let walkAnimation = character.animation(named: "Idle") {
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
character.applySkin(named: "zombie2")
When I run the app, I can see the Skin zombie1
and the Idle
animation running.
When I tap the screen, it looks like the zombie2
skin images are applied to the animation, but the images from the skin zombie1
are still visible.
In the Spine app, I can see the correct skin is applied to the animation when I toggle them, so I dont think it is a problem with the Spine json.
Am I doing anything wrong? Should I remove the running animation before changing the skin?
Thank you
check if you use zombie2
skin instead of zombie1
initially, will your zombie2
display correctly?
@maxgribov The same problem happens, with a little different order of the images